We are thankful to the Lord for adding to the membership of the Mayhew Primitive Baptist Church, Brother David Lawrence and his dear wife, Sister Alice Lawrence. The Lawrences have been attending our services for several months and have already been a blessing to our fellowship.
Last week, they made known their desire to become a members of our church, so we were blessed to administer the ordinance of baptism to them on Monday night, October 21. Baptism did not wash away any of their sins, (only the blood of Jesus Christ does that. [Rev.1:5] and they were not regenerated in the baptismal waters (that is a work of the Holy Spirit), but both had make a public confessions of faith in Christ previously (they had Southern Baptist baptism but our church does not accept any baptisms except those from churches of like faith and practice). However we did administer scriptural baptism by the authority of Jesus Christ as given to His New Testament churches.
The manger of the Best Western Motel in Columbus, MS graciously allowed us to use their inside swimming pool for our baptisms, which was a great blessing.