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Dr. Leon L. Sanders | Pensacola, Florida
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Behind the Joker's Mask
Posted by: Discernment Life Ministries | more..
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Joker Movie Disturbing Due to Truthful
Revelation That He is Anyone, Now

One of the clearest and most disturbing revelations in Scripture is not in Revelations but in Second Thessalonians (2Th 2:3-12). Societies have rejected Christ as Savior choosing to live a nihilistic philosophy that is incoherent, illogical and deliberately anti-Bible. They are content in this endeavor because they accept the delusion that God allows Satan to send to them which condemns them as it shows their true nature. The Joker movie is disturbing to many not because of its violence, far less than most action movies these days, but for its honesty. The Joker is not the exception; he is the rule.

Because Man's Sin Nature Rejects God;
Man Chooses to Believe Lies: Worldview

Man's innate nature is sinful it rejects God and His truth in any form (Ro 1:18-25). This does not refer to only badpeople but to all who were ever born! But, man being created in God's image demands order and thus explanation for observed phenomenon. Since man's senses are limited to the empirical world, man draws from this empirical base to form individual worldviews to help explain: Origin, Meaning, Morality and Destiny. Unfortunately, these answers must be incoherent and illogical because of the substitution of lies for truth. The purpose of the worldview is to make the individual creator god of his, or her, domain. One's truth explanation because the basis for determining morality even though its main purpose is to exonerate the individual from guilt; however, the very act of finding others guilty provesone's guilt (Ro 2:1-5). Postmodern man substitutes scientisms for science to prove his conclusions and allow his desires to be shown as good. Thus, psychology masquerades as science though it claims to research that which is not empirical: man's mental state or health; i.e, the soul. However, its very purpose is to eradicate guilt and build toward the self-actuated person who can do any activity without qualms about what others think; i.e., he, or she, is above judgment!

Societies Before Christ Clothed their
Worldviews as Religion (Idolatry)

Ancient man, societies before Christianity, simply clothed their worldviews as religion which modern man has labeled as idolatry in order to validate their modern worldviews as superior to the ignorance of ancient man. However, this is an artificial designation because all worldviews are religious in nature since they seek to answer the question of morality. The source of one's conception of right and wrong or values is one's religion even if it is labeled as atheistic. Wars, then as now, were fought to determine whose worldview was more correct {superior}. America's war-like spread of democracy, her religion, is little different from Rome's dominion over others considered lesser because they believed differently. So, what does this have to do with the movie, Joker?

The character of the Joker is really the story of every person in society. One portrays one's society as good and thus benign except for those few elements who cannot live within the rules; thus, the need for prisons. Joker shows the viewer that society is not benign but filled with people who demonstrate their supposed superiority on those considered weak and defenseless. The more defenseless the greater the degree of violence perpetrated. Thus, this movie rips away the facade of a peaceful, orderly society {generally} to reveal the disturbing chaos of senseless violence that exists, though ignored. Where do serial killers come from? They come from the expression of their sin nature fanned into existence by the forces of sinful society that ignores its own evil; i.e., submits to its own delusion. Psychology is useless in detecting such persons because anyone under such provocation could become the Joker; express one's sin nature more adroitly not caring for the opinions or reactions of society: self-actuation. Let us look at this through a modern movement that epitomizes this issue.

Goal of the LGBTQ+ Movement:
Pedophilia Masquerading as Love

The LGBTQ+ movement heralded its strategy in the book, After the Ball. Today it has blurred the distinctions of normalcy even to the defining of set scientific characteristics as male and female, encoded in one's DNA; and this is supported by the scientism of psychology! This delusion has been encoded into law by various governments, including America, making it illegal to even question the legitimacy of artificial designations such as gender; term used in grammar, an artificial encoding of communications. This has been legitimized via the entertainment industry through television and movie propaganda shows depicting such concepts as normal, legitimate even though it runs counter to the Bible which communicates God's truth. The rejection of the Bible, and those who use the normative hermeneutical interpretive approach to biblical understanding, agrees with the truth of our opening verses in Second Thessalonians; agreeing with the delusion. But, this movement's agenda is not fully accomplished. Though the LGBTQ+ movement claims to reject pedophilia and thus the NAMBLA {North American Man-Boy Love Association} movement; its slippery slope argument for its own causes belies its true agenda.

Transgenderism: Bridge between
LGBTQ and +: Pedophilia

The plus (+) in the LGBTQ label stands for whatever deviancy can squeeze its nose under the tent such as beastialty, more prevalent in Europe than one supposes. The government sponsored programs of Transgender males {Drag Queens} teaching little children in government sponsored settings such as public libraries, legitimizes this movement toward decriminalizing pedophilia. As the public becomes desensitized toward this atrocity they begin to accept it as normal for others. Again, rejecting the morality of the Bible and the acceptance of the delusion which reveals their innate sin nature and their need for salvation which only Christ provides.

Fear of Sin Does Not Reveal Truth
It Retaliates Against Truth and Believers

Why is the movie, Joker, disliked? Because it removes the veil of one's worldview revealing that the Emperor has no clothes; i.e., has not truth! Anyone is capable of expressing the inward evilness exhibited in the Joker. Society is not friendly, full of innocent and loving citizens seeking the best for everyone; except for a few bad apples. Societies are comprised of sinners expressing their innate sinfulness in a variety of means. There is no empirical means available to determine when the next Joker may appear. There are only calls for greater psychological control to detect and prevent these predictable acts of deplorable violence. This is akin to demanding more heat when discovering one's self in a vat of oil.

History is not you were taught nor is society innately good. There is no truth that will make society accept biblical morality because it is foolishness to them (1Co 2:14). The only means to make individuals good is to live and teach the gospel which has the power to change lives and give them a new nature that desires to discover and live the God's truths (2Co 5:17). Rather than taking up causes, no matter how noble appearing, Christians should be teaching the Gospel which is the only true means for changing societies. We should be in the business of changing people for societies will become worse and worse as Satan is given more freedom to lead those who want to follow him rather than God.

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