Joel Osteen gave an interview after his brief UK tour in which he identified his Mentors and Role Models.
Before reading this, can you guess who they are?
Many are inspired by you. Who inspires you?
Wow, I never thought about that. There are many people who inspire me. Billy Graham and the life that he lived inspires me.
Would you consider him as one of your role models?
Yes, one of my mentors and role models.
Do you have a personal relationship with him?
I do. We’ve just become friends… he’s been very kind to me, just encouraging me. His family too – Franklin and Anne. Even just visiting them has been very inspiring itself. He’s invited me to his home and we spent time there with him.
When’s the last time you saw him?
We saw him in his library about two months ago. I really met him for the first time a year or two ago, and since then we got some time to visit.
I read that you listen to a lot of other pastors’ tapes. Can you name some you listen to?
I hate to name them because there are so many! But I like to listen to Joyce Meyer and John Maxwell... There are probably 50 of them that I love listening to.
SUFFICE TO SAY, Joel Osteen will not derive much in the way of good, biblical theology from these mentors/role models!
[ Full interview may be found at: http ://ww w.fre erepu blic. com/f ocus/ f-rel igion /1862 963/p osts ]