What a week God has given to us around the church building!! I am so thankful for the prayer, giving, and physical labor that has been accomplished. It truly is looking great around here. As I meditated on how good the House of God is looking, I was reminded of all the names throughout the Old Testament that God recorded for us as they worked on His House. God pays special notice to effort going into keeping His place looking good. Thank you for all those that came and helped with the planting and mulching. This week is going to be a wonderful week of reaching people in our community. VBS begins tomorrow night at 6 PM and we sure do need your presence and help with the kids. We never know the eternal impact that will be made in their lives because of this week. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we will be set up at Market Days on Main Street in Concord. Be sure to come by and see us and help in the booth during some of the time to tell others about Jesus and GSBC. What a wonderful privilege to labor physically around the House of God to make it look good and to labor in our community for the souls of men. Both areas need to be taken care of. You are prayed for and loved. Let's have a great week serving God in our community together. Pastor Chamberland