This week I want to take this space to highlight the current threat to the gospel from those who seek to make a pursuit of social justice in the culture an essential aspect of genuine gospel endeavor. A formal statement – a refutation and defense – has been issued by some faithful evangelical leaders that is worthy of our attention. This issue affects every Christian church; ours being no exception.
Below find:
A link to The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel.
Three of the many essays submitted to add clarity to the issue.
What’s Wrong with Woke … Tom Ascol writes: “If you haven’t heard about being “woke” then that means that you aren’t. Over the last year or so evangelicals have been calling for evangelical churches to get woke so that they might more successfully deal with racism and injustice in America. The great problem of the idea of being woke is that it is built on a presupposition that does not like to be challenged or even questioned. It presumes that racism in America is systemic and institutional in the sense that the whole society is built upon and organized around principles and practices that discriminate against black people. The only way to be considered woke is to accept that as a fact. To question or challenge that assumption is to be culturally blind at best and at worst, to be a racist.” You can read the rest HERE.
Social Justice is an Attack on the Sufficiency of Scripture … Josh Buice writes: “When we do find oppression at any level (individual or systemic), is it through political strategies like intersectionality that we need to engage or is it through the sufficient Word of God and the power of the gospel? That’s the issue, and that’s why I feel the need to engage at this point. Is the Word of God sufficient or have we arrived at a juncture where we must employ other tactics and trendy political strategies in order to reach the pinnacle of unity and to further fuel a God-glorifying mission?” You can read the rest HERE.
“You’re a Bigot”: The Cost of Gospel Fidelity and Living Justly … Jared Longshore writes: “Some find The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel unhelpful and behind the times. “It is not sensitive to the present moment” they say. “It is not strategic” is the word on the street. But our Lord did not tell us to go into all the world and “be strategic.” He told us to go and make disciples, teaching them to obey all his commands. A rebellious world has always found that commission distasteful.” You can read the rest HERE.