The words of Christ in Mat 23:11 “But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant” have been ringing in my ears ever since I preached on that text back in January. Every time some little trivial issue gets under my skin and I start to think “I don’t have to put up with this, I’m the pastor!” That text comes to mind. While busy with a hundred tasks and someone adds another one, that text pops up. When I’m tired and I just want to sit this one out, the text is there. Then someone begins to criticize nearly everything I do. No matter how hard you try some people will never appreciate you. While those emotions of anger, sadness, and hopelessness run through my mind the verse appears again: But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.
While this verse is not a call to be walked on, or a biblical excuse to suffer bad treatment, it does put things in perspective. The servant doesn’t have a position of leisure and free time. His work is not always clean and its often hard. He does the stuff no one else wants to do, the unpleasant, the mundane, and the dirty jobs. This kind of labor often goes without recognition or praise. The servant’s work is expected but rarely esteemed. The servant longs to serve his master and please him. Jesus says we are to serve Him by serving His people. Our fellow Christians deserve our full attention and labors. We shouldn’t frown and groan when they need us. Our response should be one of “yes sir” and “right away sir.” By the way, what servant gets to sets his own hours of service? We work at the discretion of our master and we could be called upon at any time. Our service is not one of drudgery as if we were forced. It is a service of joy and honor to be employed in His royal kingdom.
In light of that last paragraph on the role of a servant and with those words from Christ in our mind, How have you served your fellow Christians of late? When have you came to their aid? What dirty, tedious, unpleasant jobs have you completed? How have you spent your time in His service? I have to admit, I’m a little ashamed when I answer those questions honestly. Jesus said that greatness is measured be service. After a quick comparison, I ain’t all that great. I’m a pretty sorry servant when you get right down to it. I have justified my mediocrity in many ways. Mainly by the claiming that’s not my gift, job, role, calling, and so on. Many times I’ve convinced myself I’m to busy. I’ve played the “too tired” card more than I can count. And I’ve thrown my hands up and quit a few times as well. Here’s the good news, I can start over and serve Him the way I should. He will forgive my weaknesses and give me grace to serve my fellow Christian as if I were serving the Lord Jesus himself.