Studies in the Book of Judges
Samson – A Man Missing Out With God (Part 3)
He finds himself in a Vineyard - 14:5
What happened in the vineyard - 14:6-9
It wasn't long before he lost the external appearance of his separation and he's grinding in the prisonhouse
How did it all begin?
He fell in love with a woman who didn't know the Lord – 14:1
Trace the word 'TOLD' in Samson's life
We need to recognise the enemy
Read the story with immense sadness
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25–37
1. The CALAMITY EXPERIENCED by the Traveller – v.30
2. The OPPORTUNITY LOST by the Priest and Levite – 'passed by'
3. The SYMPATHY SHOWN by the Samaritan – v.33-35