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Dibbet, Scott | St. George, Ontario
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Webcast: The Lord Jesus Christ has dealt with sin once for all and is to be worshiped in he |
Pastor Henry VanEssen * Pre-Service Song * Votum and Salutation * Singing Psalter 51 Reading of the Law Singing Psalter 217 Scripture Reading Hebrews 9:11-29, H.Cat. Q.80 (text: Hebrews 9:26-29) Prayer Offering * Singing Psalter 56 SERMON: The Lord Jesus Christ has dealt with sin once for all and is to be worshiped in heaven 1. Sin put away once for all 2. Ingrafted into Christ 3. Worshipped in heaven Prayer * Singing Psalter 444:1,2,3 * Benediction * Doxology Psalter 314 |
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