Sometimes God’s ways are hard to understand, we want to ask “Why,” to follow His hand.
Sometimes when tragedy comes from above, it tempts us to waver, to doubt His love.
But God is infinitely wise and good, He is too lofty to be understood.
His love is endless; His kindness is great. He is too wise to leave one thing to fate.
Though His purpose may be unknown to us, we cling to the Rock; in Him we must trust.
To Him we can run; with Him we can plead, an ever-present help in time of need.
Our hearts they ache, our minds they probe, but ultimately we must learn from Job.
The Lord Who gives can also take away, His name must be blessed each and every day.
We may wonder why He would make us weep; His ways unsearchable, His knowledge deep.
So freely cry, tears and grief are His gifts, by His grace He heals, by His strength He lifts.
(Excerpted from the book, Delight in the WORD: Biblical Counsel for Everyday Issues)