In the Bible homosexuality is first clearly identified in Geneses 19, and according to Scripture (regardless of our personal view) God didn’t like it then and based on passages like Revelation 21:8, it does not look like He changed His mind about all sexually orientated sins. Now we know that it is just one of the many unrighteous deeds that Adams fallen decedents are capable of committing. We also all know that if a person confesses that homosexuality is a sin and repents, God is faithful to forgive and wipe the slate clean.
However, a few days ago while in the locker room of the health club, I listened to an admitted homosexual compare his life’s choice with being a minority, in particular “people of color”. And that him being ostracized, was the same as “People of Color” today. At first my blood ran hot, but before I could reach for my can of spinach, the Holy Spirit took over.
First let me say, I am not a homosexual and I have never been.
Secondly, I believe homosexuality is a sin just as the other 666, (according to one list). And that any-one of them can make you a candidate for Hell just as if you commited all 667. It is only if God has changed your heart, and you believe that He raised Christ from the grave can you be saved from the Pit.
However, I am 75 Percent African American according to a DNA test. I was born this way, just as 12.1% of the United States population is born. In short, I am Black, not by choice but birth.
It is an insult to compare my past and current struggles with anyone that has made the homosexual choice. An Anglo homosexual can present Him or Herself as straight and the ostracization goes away, I can change my hair texture, my skin color and get a nose job, and the establishment will still see me as a Negro, Black, African American or whatever we are calling ourselves this year. Like the leopard I am stuck with being who God made to be.
Best of all I am eternally grateful that in Christ “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28, and I have been set free from the things that held me hostage before He showed up. “Stand, fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1- HSYS