Giving Attendance to the WORD
“Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to Doctrine.” (1 Timothy 4:13)
This instruction given by Paul to Timothy, remains as the divine mandate for all who are pastors, elders and deacons in those congregations that the LORD has raised up to His glory. The Inspired Word of God is the only foundation of Faith and practice, and is essential to the LORD’s blessing both on the preacher and the congregation. God has ordained that we hear His Word read (literally devoted to the public reading). Notice the order. First the public reading of Scripture, but also hearing the Word preached (exhortation) and taught (Doctrine).
In the Old Testament, the priests were to read the entire law to the people once a year, Deuteronomy 31:9-11. So we see Ezra standing before the people of Israel reading the law of Moses aloud in Nehemiah 8. Paul’s Epistles would have been read out loud to the gatherings of believers as well (Colossians 4:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:27). In fact, during these ancient times, it was common even for those who did have opportunities for personal reading to read aloud to themselves.
The silent reading that many are so used to today was virtually non-existent throughout history. This is mainly because then, individual printed copies of God’s Word that we enjoy today, were not readily available. Individual copies were rare and expensive and only the wealthy could afford a copy, as did the Ethiopian Eunuch, who obtained a copy of Isaiah 53. It was as he was reading that the LORD directed Phillip to him to explain to him how it was that what he read should be interpreted completely as fulfilled in the person of Christ and His finished work at Calvary for those sinners that God purposed to save from eternity, Acts 8:27-35. It is the Word (inspired of God and the revelation of Jesus Christ) that is the instrument of the Spirit for the conversion of the soul, Psalm 19:7. How foolish for preachers to think that their spoken word is more necessary than the written and read Word!
While it is vital to read the Word with respect and reverence for the God it reveals, yet the most well-prepared and gifted reader, and all the proper voice inflection, rhythm, and intonation combined are not necessarily an evidence of the Spirit’s blessing. The most talented reader may present the Word of God to a group or congregation and the hearers be moved emotionally by the reading, and still remain unconverted, 2 Corinthians 3:14.
May we never take for granted the privilege of hearing the Scriptures read. So many other congregations consider Scripture reading almost as an afterthought. And yet, for the LORD’s chosen, redeemed and called out ones, they hunger and thirst for a Word from the LORD, and would wither up and die without the Christ of the Word, as the Bread and Water of Life.
As the Spirit of God directs the Church, it is for the edifying of the Church in, by, and through the Word (Christ). As we read in Isaiah 55:11: “So shall My Word be that goeth forth out of My mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”