“That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 5:21
Praise the Great Savior! Words: by Pastor Jim Byrd Tune: More About Jesus (J. R. Sweney)
1. Praise the great Savior, praise His name, Sing of His glories, spread His fame; God in His mercy sent His Son, Jesus the Christ, the Holy One
CHORUS: Praise, praise the great Savior, Praise, praise the great Savior; Praise Him in word, in deed and song, Praise the great Savior all day long.
2. Praise the great Savior, homage pay, Praise Him who dwelt in human clay; Angels announced His wondrous birth, God had come down to dwell on earth. CHORUS
3. Praise the great Savior, when He died Justice was fully satisfied; `Twas by His death on Calvary, He saved His chosen family. CHORUS
4. Praise the great Savior, His name bless, Jesus the Lord our righteousness; Soon we shall see Him as He is, All of the glory shall be His. CHORUS
Comfort ! Know for your comfort that the weakest believer is as nearly related to God, as a Father, as the strongest believer is. Every branch of a tree is not alike strong nor big, and yet the tenderest twig is united to the root. The weakest believer is clothed with the white raiment of Christ's righteousness and is as much sanctified and justified thereby as the strongest. There is no condemnation to all who are in Christ. The weakest believer shall endure to the end. They are all kept by the power of God through faith to salvation. It is not he that believes strongly who shall be saved, but he that believes! "Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief." --Ebenezer Erskine
Without Fault Before God We thankfully acknowledge, that Christ hath so fully satisfied the law for the sins of all that are His, that the debts of believers are fully discharged. His payment is full, and so, therefore, is our discharge and acquittal (Romans 8:1,31). The guilt of believers is so perfectly abolished, that it shall never more bring them under condemnation (John 5:24). And so, in Christ, they are without fault before God. --John Flavel
Standing in Need of the Holy Spirit’s Power and Work The great need of this hour is a mighty working of God's Spirit in the hearts and minds of men and women. God alone can convince us of sin. He alone can give repentance and faith. He alone can bring us from darkness to light and from death unto life. He alone can bring us to forsake our false religious profession and enable us to trust Christ as He is set forth in the true Gospel. When the Spirit of God brings sinners to Christ, they will not just experience a reformation or come to a new theological position. No, they will be brought to life and faith in Christ. They will say as Paul, "I was before a blasphemer, but I obtained mercy." May God give us grace to preach the Gospel of His free and sovereign grace in Christ crucified and never let us be satisfied with anything less than a real work of grace in our hearer's hearts. "All is vain unless the Spirit of the Holy One come down." There is enough vanity in this world. I pray for the reality of knowing Christ in truth and know that we all stand in need of the Spirit's power and work. --Pastor Gary Shepard
Although I am a sinner, yet, I despair not; for Christ, Who is my Redeemer and my Righteousness, liveth. In Him I have no sin, no fear, no sting of conscience, and no fear of judgment. In Christ there is no condemnation. I am indeed a sinner AS TOUCHING THIS PRESENT LIFE, but I have the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IMPUTED which is above this life, Who is Christ my Lord. In Him, I rejoice. --Copied