"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Galatians 5:1
Salvation through Christ Alone! Author: Joe Terrell Tune: There Is a Fountain (American Melody)
1. How is our nature spoiled by sin! Yet nature ne'er hath found The way to make the conscience clean, Or heal the painful wound. In vain we seek for peace with God By methods of our own: O Jesus, nothing but Thy blood Can bring us near the throne.
2. The threatenings of Thy broken law Impress our souls with dread; If God His sword of vengeance draw, It strikes our spirits dead. But Thine illustrious sacrifice Hath answered these demands: And peace and pardon from the skies Came down by Jesus' hands.
3. Here all the ancient types agree, The altar and the lamb; And prophets in their visions see Salvation through His name. 'Tis by Thy death we live, O Lord, 'Tis on Thy cross we rest; For ever be Thy love adored, Thy name for ever blessed.
Is it Nothing to You? The death of our Lord Jesus Christ is the most wonderful, astounding, magnificent event in the history of the universe! Nothing that is, has been, or shall hereafter be - can be compared to it. Yet, as He was suffering the wrath of God, bearing the sins of His people, dying as the voluntary Substitute for guilty, hell-deserving, hell-bent sinners, such as we are - we hear the Son of God expressing the most woeful, unexplainable lamentation imaginable. He cried, "Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto My sorrow, which is done unto Me, wherewith the LORD hath afflicted Me in the day of His fierce anger. " Lamentations 1:12 When I hear those words falling from the lips of the Son of God as He hangs upon the cursed tree, I simply cannot avoid asking a question. Of whom does the bleeding Lamb of God speak these words? To whom is the death of Christ meaningless and insignificant? Nothing in all the universe is more wonderful and magnificent in the eyes of God the Father - than the death of His dear Son! The angels of heaven ever look into the mystery and wonder of redemption by the blood of Christ with astonishment! Faithful gospel preachers are so overwhelmed with the wonders of redemption and the glory of the Redeemer - that they never cease to study, glory in, and preach the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ! Redeemed sinners on the earth cherish nothing, delight in nothing, marvel at nothing - like the death of our Lord Jesus Christ for them! The ransomed in glory appear to think of nothing and speak of nothing - except the dying love of the Lamb in the midst of the throne! (Revelation 5:9-12). Yet, there are some to whom our darling Savior speaks as it were, with astonishment, to whom His death is meaningless, insignificant, nothing! Who are these people to whom the sin-atoning death of Christ is nothing? Our Lord is here addressing Himself to everyone who 'passes by' Him - passes by His death as the sinners' Substitute in unbelief. O unbelieving, Christless soul - it is you to whom the Son of God speaks! O cold, calculating, heartless, preacher, you who pass by the crucified Christ - and take to your lips the meaningless, insignificant trifles of politics, social corruptions, moralisms, denominationalism, historical religion, creeds, and debates about nothing - it is you to whom the Master speaks! Christ crucified is mundane, meaningless and insignificant - only to unregenerate, unbelieving souls! It is my heart's prayer that you will hear these words echoing in your soul - until the death of our Lord Jesus Christ is made to be the most important thing in all the world to you. I pray that we may become totally consumed with the crucified Christ, that our hearts, our lives - every fiber of our souls may be constantly dominated by the death of Christ as our sin-atoning Savior. Let us meditate upon and study the great, sin-atoning sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ, until it consumes our every thought! --Copied