The Hebrew word for “ark,” is (Tebah) and it is only used twice in the Bible. The first time it is mentioned in the scriptures is in reference to the “ark of Noah.” (Genesis 6:14) The second time it is mentioned in the Bible is in reference to the “ark of Moses.”(Exodus 2:3)
Both of these arks were instruments of salvation. Both were pitched (sealed) so they would float on the water. The ark of Noah saved only Noah and his family. The ark of Moses saved only Moses. In both cases water was the instrument of death. In both cases, judgment came by drowning. In the days of Noah, God drowned the whole world. In the days of Moses, Pharaoh drowned all the newborn male children. In both cases only a remnant was saved. Water, the instrument of death, fell on Noah and his family, the same as it did the rest of the world. But Noah and his family were in the ark. Moses was put in the water the same as all the other newborn male infants in Egypt. But Moses was in the ark. The wrath, judgment and justice of God fell on both Noah and Moses, but the only thing that saved them was the pitched ark that they were in. It wasn’t the great craftsmanship of Noah or the skilled weaving of Moses’ parents that kept the water out of the two arks. Man’s devices, man’s skills, man’s ability, the work of man’s hands will not keep God’s wrath and judgment off the sinner. But the blood of Christ will.
It is no different today. Christ, the Ark of God, is the saved sinner’s refuge from the wrath, judgment and justice of God. It is the pitch (atonement) of Christ’s blood that saves. Every sinner found in Him will rise above the surface of the condemning waters of God’s wrath, judgment and justice. Dear sinner, your only hope of redemption is to be found in Christ, and to be pitched (sealed) in His precious blood. Come into the Ark of Safety and Refuge and find rest. Come to Christ and be saved!