The Gifts of the Spirit, 1. It all began, I believe, with some seemingly simple beliefs that are partially opposed to Scripture.
Perhaps in the 1820’s we can find the beginnings of that first belief: Regeneration is separate from the empowering or baptism of the Spirit. Two separate acts with 2 separate proofs. Then comes
“Tongues is for today”. To prove that the baptism is separate. Then all the other gifts crowded in, and the various views of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Now apostles and prophets and New Age.
And chaos.
Before we go further we must address this first “new idea” which after 200 years (not 2000) is still among us.
Question: Is the work of regeneration the exact same thing as the work of empowerment? Is salvation the same as the “baptism”?
For this we must approach Scripture.
John 3, to Nicodemus. You must be born from above. The process is like the wind. You don’t know all about it, but you know it’s working in you. That’s a summary. That’s a putting together of all the processes and works of God.
Acts 1:5. Disciples are told they would soon receive power and be baptized in the Spirit. ALL of them. Not just selected ones. All who were Christ’s to begin with received Christ’s promise.
Pentecost, Acts 2, is where we enter in. 16-17, 38-39. The promised Spirit has come. So do what? Repent. Be baptized. Sins will go. Spirit will come. Promise is to ALL called of God, not just certain favorites. Once repentance is real, Spirit comes. 2 things, yes. One process, yes. Step back and see it all as parts of a whole, not parts separated. (Explain entire salvation process)
Samaria. Repentance. Water. Spirit via apostles’ hands. They had to be a part of everything in that early church. Now the Spirit is in the church and passed on by the hearing of faith.
Cornelius. Hearing, belief. Spirit. Water. Same elements, different order. No begging for Spirit. It falls.
The Ephesians, Acts 19. Had only received John’s baptism. Heard truth, believed, water. Spirit via apostles.
“By one Spirit we are ALL baptized into one Body.” Spirit filling is for ALL, as is repentance. Can’t have one without the other. Those claiming Spirit but living ungodly, are liars. I John tells us that.
By GRACE (charis- gift) are you saved through FAITH. Not of yourself. Gift of God!
God opens the heart, convicts of sin, causes confession, sorrow, repentance. Brings you to the water. Fills you with Himself.
What God has joined (regeneration & filling) let notr man put asunder.
But the teaching went out there. Got to have a separate filling. Got to speak in tongues. False teaching breeds false teaching. Next one: personal prayer language trumps the ongoing gift. I can use tongues any time I want.
Imagine the entire Pentecostal world, and the church world it has divided, if only Pentecostals had followed Paul’s restrictions on tongues (1 Corinthians 14). Two or three at a time. Never at all without an interpreter. Least important. For edification only.
Would we have even known or cared? But the proliferation of defiance of apostolic rules, making tongues not only important, but the most important — as in, you’re not even filled with the Holy Ghost, or even saved, without it – has caused worldwide confusion in the church.
Better yet, just subtract that gift altogether, as it was subtracted in the first century, and what do you have in the church world? Oh so much peace. Maybe no charismatics. No NAR. But one addition leads to another.
But then, how will the one world ecumenical church come into being, if there is not a catalyst such as this? Oh beware! Be not deceived! God’s church is holy. God’s Word is true. Every word.
Friends, tongues have ceased.
There, I said it. I won’t be the last to say it, and I am certainly not the first. But I said it, and I am relieved of a great burden in so saying.
Paul said the gift of tongues, that is, speaking in a language that one has not learned, would cease. And it did. History is clear, if Paul’s timing is not. How could Paul know when they would cease? He had nothing in mind when he spoke of something “perfect” coming to replace miraculous gifts.
Those in the church world today who believe in this and other gifts, certainly must allow that the great apostle could prophesy. Right? Well, here is his prophecy:
“Tongues will cease.” And all the people said, Amen! All except the tongue-talkers of the last one hundred years.
Tell us when, Paul. He doesn’t need to. He doesn’t even know. History picks up from there and tells us all we need to know.
First, there’s the history within the Scriptures themselves. Paul spoke these words to the Corinthians in the first letter of that name. The Corinthian letter was among the first of the epistles. Romans, which is before Corinthians in modern Bibles, actually came later. And Romans, though it lists gifts, does not mention tongues.
Nor does any Bible book that follows. Tongues ceased.
The season of plagues in Egypt were miraculous in nature. Caused by God. But when those miracles were not needed again, they did not return. Egyptian plagues ceased.
Manna was given to the Israelites during their wilderness wanderings, but not after. When the necessity for the miracle ceased, the manna ceased. And never came back.
The walls of Jericho fell flat as a pancake by the power of God. But never did that miracle repeat itself. It was necessary for the moment, but when it was not necessary, the miracle stopped. Wall-flattening ceased. And never came back.
The sacrifices of Solomon were lit from Heaven. A miracle. But that miracle never repeated itself. The priests had to light their own sacrifices from that time. Lighting ceased.
Miraculous seasons, as with Moses, then with Elijah and Elisha, and finally with Jesus, came and went, fulfilling a need, but never promising to hang around forever. They came and ceased.
Paul says tongues would likewise cease. They ceased.