for I am God, and there is none else.” Isaiah 45:22
Our Great God
Author: Unknown Tune: O For a Thousand Tongues
1. Great God! Thy glory and Thy love,
Our humble songs employ;
In mercy from Thy throne above,
Look down and cause our joy.
2. Thy presence and Thy glory, Lord,
Fill all the realms of space;
O let Thy presence, by Thy Word,
Divinely fill this place.
3. This hymn begins the solemn sound,
Of holy worship here;
May ev'ry saint with joy abound,
And reverential fear.
4. Eternal Spirit! Heav'nly Dove!
Descend and fill this place;
Reveal the Saviour's matchless love,
The wonders of His grace!
Daily Readings February 11-17, 2018
Sunday - Lev. 11-12; Matt. 26:1-25
Monday - Lev. 13; Matt. 26:26-50
Tuesday - Lev. 14; Matt. 26:51-75
Wed.- Lev. 15-16; Matt. 27:1-26
Thursday - Lev. 17-18; Matt. 27:27-50
Friday - Lev. 19-20; Matt. 27:51-66
Saturday - Lev. 21-22; Matt. 28
Encouragement to Pray for the Lost
Saul of Tarsus was not on his knees in prayer but hastening to shed innocent blood. Yet the Lord brought him down and made him seek salvation. Beloved, our Lord knows how to reach inaccessible persons. They may shut us out, but they cannot shut HIM out! This should much encourage us in pleading for souls.
--C. H. Spurgeon
All I Need is in Christ
There is nothing that will make a believer look to Christ alone, cling to and rest in Christ alone, more than to realize that everything God is, that God requires, and that the sinner needs is IN CHRIST (1 Cor.1:30). --Henry Mahan
The Golden Key! The Golden Thread!
Jesus is the one great theme both of the Old Testament and the New. The whole Bible is designed to testify of Christ, "You search the Scriptures because you believe they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to Me!"
In Christ the Messiah, in Jesus the Savior, in the Son of God the Redeemer, all the truths of the Bible center.
To Him all the types and shadows point! Of Him all the prophecies give witness! While all the glory of the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, culminates at the cross of Christ.
The Bible would be an inexplicable mystery apart from Christ, who unfolds and explains it all. He is the one, the golden Key which unlocks the divine treasury of revelation! Until He is seen, the Bible is, in a sense, a great conundrum. But when He is found, it is a glorious revelation; every mystery opened, every enigma explained, every discrepancy harmonized, and every truth and page, sentence and word, quickened with a life and glowing with a light flowing down from the throne of the Eternal God.
Christ is the substance of the Gospel. All....
its divine doctrines,
its holy precepts,
its gracious instructions,
its precious promises,
its glorious hopes,
meet, center, and fill up their entire compass in Jesus.
He is the Alpha and the Omega of the Bible, from the first verse in Genesis to the last verse in Revelation. Oh, study the Scriptures of truth with a view of learning Christ.
Do not study the Bible as a mere history. Do not read it as a mere poem. Do not search it as a book of science. It is all that, but infinitely more.
The Bible is the Book of Jesus! It is a Revelation of Christ! Christ is the golden thread which runs through the whole! The Old Testament predicts the New; and the New fulfills the Old; and so both unite in testifying, “Truly, this is the Son of God!”
Blessed Lord Jesus! I will read and study and dig into the Scriptures to find and learn more of You!
You, Immanuel, are the fragrance of this divine box of precious ointment.
You are the beauteous gem sparkling in this divine cabinet.
You are the Tree of life planted in the center of this divine garden.
You are the Ocean whose stream quickens and nourishes all who draw water out of this divine well of salvation.