We're living in a time where people will believe what men say about the Bible more than what the the Bible actually says. The Bible says in Psalms 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. Instead of saying, " the word of God says, " you now hear, " in the original Greek," or " in the original Hebrew," or some other gas. Remember you always get the gas before the operation. This is the language of a man who "uses" the Bible but does not really believe the Bible.
Satan uses men who will yield to the flesh under the temptation to be "as gods knowing" what the origianl Hebrew and Greek says, instead of believing that they have the preserved, perfect words of God. This ministers doubt and not faith to the congrgation. The Lord said in Luke 18:8 "nevertheless when the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith on earth?" Well, faith cometh by hearing the words God (Rom 10:17), and when men are stealing the faith of the hearers by setting up dual authorities to overthrow the final authority, we can see why when the Lord comes back that there will be such a lack of faith. The Political and religious tyranny of the Dark Ages was only possible as long as the scriptures were interpreted for the people by a priest class. These people are called Nicolatitans by the Lord ( Rev 2:15).
The truth is God is able to get His perfect words into English for you to read, preach, and teach. God is able to have a perfect translation for you to trust EVERY word so you will not have to have someone tell you what the Bible really means in the "original Hebrew and Greek" which do not even exhist. A perfect translation is a Biblical view. If no translation can be inspired of God, then how do those who hold this unbiblical position explain all the Old Testament quotes found in the New Testament? They were originally inspired in Hebrew but then the Holy Ghost took these scores of verses and translated them into another inspired language. Not only that, but the Holy Ghost sometimes did not use a strictly literal word for word rendering. God sometimes adds a little more detail or explains further or makes a different application of the original verse to a new situation. This is how God does it and what the Bible itself teaches us about inspired translations.
You should know you can Believe every word God has for you in that King James Bible and don't worry about the "scholars" (Mal 2:12) think. Enjoy God's word! Read it, believe it, and teach it knowing that what God said is so. This way you can minister faith to the hearers and not doubt.