We’ve written numerous articles dealing with Dominionism in the past. Here is the link for the first many of the articles: Dominionism
We’ve also dealt with numerous aspects of the New Age movement. For a list of articles posted here on this blog, you can find them at this link: New Age
Most recently, we launched a series of articles that highlight the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and various aspects of the Charismatic Movement with other articles on the way. Here are some of the articles which provide information on New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). You’ll note that there is some crossover with Dominionism and NAR.
Each of these areas has its unique outlook, attracting different types of people to each one. However, what might not be so readily seen is how much alike all three areas – New Age, Dominionisn, and NAR – are when we take a closer look under the hood, so to speak.
There is actually one very important thing that ties each of these separate groups together though people in each are likely not aware of it, at least at this point. As the end of this age draws to a close these three separate groups will likely end up becoming far more cohesive and unified. They will actually come together unofficially, if not officially, because of the ideology they share.
What is that one thing that will create the bridge between these groups? It is nothing less than the return of the Christ. Let me clarify that please, because I am not referring to God the Son, Jesus, who will return at the very end of this age to close the Tribulation period. After which He will judge the sheep and the goats and begin setting up His Millennial Kingdom over which He will reign for 1,000 years from David’s throne in Jerusalem.
No, I’m talking about another “Christ,” an impostor, who will gain the attention of the world and be seen and accepted as the long-awaited “messiah,” and who will ultimately be worshiped as though God (2 Thessalonians 2). Scripture tells us that prior to the return of the actual Jesus, an impostor with the title Antichrist will have his day. It will essentially be Satan’s last attempt to imitate and replace God (Isaiah 14:14).
Let’s remember that God Himself will allow this for His purposes and glory. As this age draws to a close just prior to Jesus’ physical return (oh, He will physically return!), the gulf between righteousness and evil will become extremely obvious. It will be impossible for anyone to miss and people will have to choose. There will be no fence-sitters in the world. Everyone will either be for Antichrist or against him.
We know that the New Age has been looking for – yearning for and working for – the coming of the Maitreya. The New Age speaks of the growing “Christ consciousness” throughout the earth. What is most important for New Agers is that this consciousness continues to grow and impact society throughout the globe. There are many people on the Internet (not to mention authors of printed books and articles), who speak of the cosmic energy of the coming Christ. They believe that as people unite in purpose, fully focused and working to bring this “Christ” to earth (yes, they tell us our “energy” and “thoughts” are capable of doing that), this Christ will finally appear.