In the midst of all this carnage, the Spirit gives John this important word. It seems to be a call to patience and endurance and much faith. Simply stated, God is taking notes, church. Any government or individual who engages in the enslavement of humans will be enslaved. Those who are killing Christians will one day be killed also. There is a just God. All will be made right one day. Christians will be justified, exonerated, released on that day when Jesus comes to take vengeance on all His enemies. So be patient. You may be tempted to use the arm of flesh yourself. Not good. Trust the Lord to take care of His own and of justice and vengeance.
Revelation 13:14-15. How does someone give “breath” to an image?
Again one of those unthinkables not that long ago. Now we know that cameras and microphones will do what the text suggests.
Notice here that the false prophet does not make the image. He tells the people to do it. Then he gives breath to it. Does this mean that a TV crew sets up the studio, but the false prophet makes the broadcast possible?
Don’t know, but modern technology can do anything that is stated here. And we can’t rule out that this man has supernatural powers, too, and goes even beyond modern technology to wow the earth with his power.
Revelation 13:18. In what sense is this the number of a man?
We are accustomed to being assigned numbers. Social Security numbers, Driver’s License numbers, phone numbers. In the new scheme of things coming under antichrist, perhaps everyone will be assigned a new number, and the personal number of the man of sin will be 666.
I have always been fascinated by the fact that Greek and Latin letters are also numbers. Assigning a number value to the letters of a man’s name can be intriguing. Antiochus Epiphanes, for example, almost adds up to 666. Other possibilities, in Greek and Latin, have been put forward. Some have found Nero Caesar, others Lateinos, the Latin Kingdom, which would include the Roman Pope.
Notice the word “count” or calculate, is used in the text as a directive for us. There seems to be some math involved here.
Unfortunately, this is another of those areas where we must wait and see, all the while seeking. Yes, every word of Scripture has value, and there is no excuse for Christians living in ignorance with the great supply of Bibles especially in the free world. Let’s use our time learning as many of the things of God as we can, rather than giving ourselves to the vanities of the media.
Revelation 14:1-5 (7:4-8) Who are the 144,000?
The Old Testament Scriptures and Paul in the New Testament all speak of a Jewish remnant, an elect. These are Jews, by virtue of the fact that their very tribes are listed. There should be no question in anyone’s mind that we are talking about elect Israel here.
Revelation 14:6. Will an angel preach the Gospel?
The text merely states that this angel has a Gospel, not that he will preach it. Jesus said that this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world, and then the end shall come. It seems from these two verses that the prolific spread of the Gospel through the centuries is not the fulfillment of the promise. Rather there is a near-miraculous spreading of the Word of God in the very end of history, after which Jesus will return. I say near-miraculous because to some degree, angelic forces will be involved. The task of reaching an entire world is no mere human affair, and will need the assistance of heavenly messengers.
Revelation 14:17-20. Again we have come to what place in history?
Here it is again. Jesus returns and visits His enemies with judgment, as antichrist’s forces are lined up ready to kill Him when He comes. We will back up once more though, after the chapter 15 break, and lead up to this moment with a series of judgments that come before Jesus does. These are called the “bowl” judgments.
Revelation 16:13-14. This reminds us of what Old Testament story?
Ahab. The wicked king of Israel was trying to get some comfort from his prophets before going to war in league with the king of Judah. That Judah king suggested that perhaps a prophet of the Lord should be called in too. Micaiah, Ahab’s nemesis, is called in, and lets Ahab know that demon spirits are going to be invading the mouths of all the false prophets, encouraging Ahab to go to a battle that he can only lose. Such was the case. They enticed, he fought, he died.
Here too will be an enticement. Nations all over the world will take up the cause of antichrist, to stop this Jesus once and for all. They will be convinced that victory is theirs. They will go to their final battle and die, and their captain will be thrown into Hell.
Revelation 16:17. Once more where in history does this take place?
You see the pattern now? Over and over the Book of Revelation leads us to the final days of history before the Millennium. The judgment. The return. The battle, the victory. Signs in the heavens and on earth.
Revelation 17:10-11. What do these verses lead us to believe?
Can’t speak for you, but they tell me that the next world ruler is not the antichrist! I’m sure many will assume so, but they will be wrong. There are seven world empires that make up the history of planet earth. Then the eighth. Five are already past. One is. Yes, Rome still rules in a minor way a huge portion of this planet through the man in Rome. Whenever he can re-gain political power, he will. But a seventh one is coming. For a little while. Then the eighth. But wait. The eighth is one of the seven!
And that tells me, death, resurrection. A man that has already ruled significantly on this planet will pick up where he left off and try to rule the whole thing. And he will succeed.
Revelation 17:16-17. How will Rome/Babylon be destroyed? Who is she?
She will be burned to the ground by the nations under antichrist. God has so ordained that the final judgment of this evil lie-producing city will be destroyed by the very people who once brought her to power. Babylon/Rome, the (false) religious center of the world, must be destroyed by the one who worships no one but himself. Religion must go.
Revelation 18:21. Where else is this prophecy found?
Also fascinating. The judgment of the original Babylon was predicted by Jeremiah (51:61-64.) Babylon was to sink immediately out of sight. The end. Period.
Didn’t happen. Babylon only very slowly sunk out of sight, and was still around when Jesus lived here and beyond. But God never misses. The prophecy is still intact. The spirit of Babylon entered Rome eventually, although some say that Babylon itself will rise from the ruins to be judged as God said originally. Whatever her final form, she has not escaped the word that came from Heaven. She shall fall. Quickly. Thoroughly.
Revelation 18:24. The blood of “all slain” on the earth is in this one city?
Think of it. The tower of Babel, where it all started, and angered God from the first. The paganism represented in that structure grew into a city, then an Empire. Its lies were spewed out to the world of that day, bringing God’s judgment in various forms. The spirit of Babylon went over to Nineveh, then back to Babylon, then to the Medo-Persian Empire and the one in Greece and finally Rome. Same unbelief, same judgment piling up.
The sin capital of the world is Babylon, whether in the city itself or the spirit it sent out to the other cities. It has been a poison that has brought a world into bondage and will eventually bring it to judgment. God now has it destroyed, once and for all.