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Questions from the letters of John and Jude...
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  1. I John 1:8. What about the doctrine of “entire” sanctification?

Strange question? There is a doctrine out there that states that we cannot sin, will not sin, once the Holy Ghost has sanctified us. John says that if we say such a thing, we are deceiving ourselves. He is not talking about our past life, before Christ, but rather a present tense “have no sin”. If we say that we have no sin… that is simply not the truth, and the afore-mentioned doctrine does not stand. God is perfecting us, one day at a time. Paul did not claim to be perfect, but was pressing on toward the mark. No one in Scripture made this claim, even John, the apostle of love whose reputation for godliness is unequaled.

  1. I John 2:15. What is “the world”?

The Greek is kosmos. Orderly arrangement. A system. We are not talking so much about a planet (as earth) but what goes on, on that planet. People have created a system of thought and action. For the most part, that system rules out the Creator. The kosmos for now is under the control of the prince of the power of the air. He operates only as permitted by the Father, but the general arrangement of things is bound by the Enemy.

John tells us (John 3:16) that God loved this kosmos so much that He sent Jesus to die for its sins. But here he tells the people of God not to love the kosmos. Same Greek word, two different attitudes.

God’s love for this world involves deep compassion and ultimately His glory. Man’s love has to do with self desire. The system in place entices sinful man, and so many believers, to care about the pleasures of the body, the products of the marketplace, the ambition to be someone. We are called to come out of all of this, deny ourselves.

Eventually we will love this world as God loves it.

  1. I John 2:18. It is the last hour?

Has been for 2,000 years. The final season, Christ is at hand, near. He could have come at any time during the past centuries, but His grace demands that He wait until the plan of God has fully emerged.

John gives as proof of the close of time the fact that antichrists are everywhere. But he stops short of saying that the final antichrist is here.

In our day they abound also. But as Paul says in 2 Thessalonians, “that day will not come unless… the man of lawlessness [antichrist] is revealed.”

Work and pray as though it is still the last hour. The last season. The last time. Because it is.

  1. I John 3:6-9. We cannot sin?

We covered this briefly above, but here is another statement that is troubling to some. The answer to the riddle lies in the Greek language [as often it does]. The verb tense here is about continuing action. The child of God does not continue in sin, practice sin. Not saying there might not be a besetting sin, a serious weakness. Saying that a child of God does not want to keep on disappointing Jesus every day, confessing the same sin every night. His new nature will not allow him to keep on sinning. That Christians sin, is proved in that first chapter, verse 8.

  1. I John 4:2. How do spirit messages come to us?

John says that “spirits” confess that Jesus is this or that. These are not to be thought of as ghosts who appear in the middle of the night. Rather, in church meetings people will stand up and give a testimony about who Jesus is. These people are guided either by the Holy Spirit or the enemy spirits. This is why discernment, as in the gift of, or the seasoned training of, is a vital component of every church’s arsenal of truth. It’s OK to challenge a “message.” In fact, it is commanded.

  1. I John 5:6. How did Jesus come “by water”?

Another one of those debated items. Several options are given by commentators, two of which seem to be the possible solution. One might consider Jesus’ baptism, and the Voice from Heaven that accompanied it, as His “coming by water.” Here He was announced to His world as the Son of God.

My personal preference, since this is John, goes back to something John saw and emphasized in His Gospel. It was at the death of Jesus, and out of the spear wound from the soldier’s thrust, came blood and water. John wants you to see this. It is the absolute proof that Jesus is dead. They tell us that a water-like substance surrounds the heart, and when that sac of water is broken, death is certain. So out of the wound flowed blood and water, says John, and here He seems to repeat Himself by saying that Jesus came by water and blood.

  1. I John 5:16. What is a sin “to death” and not to death?

A sin not unto death would be, and this is only my presumption, one that the owner wants to quit, but is having serious trouble with. A brother comes to him, prays with him, and together victory is found. Forgiveness flows.

The sin unto death, perhaps related to the unpardonable sin mentioned by Jesus, is one for which no repentance is forthcoming. It is clear that the person has hardened his heart, and John says that it is quite possible that our prayers for this one will not avail.


  1. II John, verses 1, 13. Who are the chosen lady and her sister?

Most agree that the literal is meant here. This was a well-respected widow among the believers of John’s day, along with a sister who also loved Jesus. Her children are singled out also. John decides to speak to her face to face since he has so many things to tell her. This would probably eliminate the idea of the lady being a church, though some hold to this possibility.

  1. II John, verses 10-11. Should we allow Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses into our homes?

Seems unlikely that the apostle would allow us to do that. Cultists are well trained and can twist meanings of Scripture in a short while. Let the believer beware! Experts in the Word and in that particular cult, who want to win the visitors to Christ would be a possible exception to the rule, but generally speaking it is best to direct them next door. Or out of the neighborhood if possible.


  1. III John, verses 2-6. Can verse 2 be applied to all believers? Can a description of Gaius help here?

Gaius walked in the truth. Gaius acted faithfully in whatever he accomplished for the brothers. He was especially helpful to strangers. He was a man of such great love that visitors would testify regarding his character in front of the whole church.

This was the man to whom John said, I want you to be prospering and healthy, as your soul prospers.

Those who want to claim 3 John 2 as a life verse must take it as it is. God wants you to have wealth and health to the extent that you are living the life of a Gaius. Does your walk in the Lord measure up to this man? Or will God have to help you pump up the soul part before the body and material part can be blessed?


  1. Jude, verse 1. Who is Jude?

Jude is short for Judas, a common name of the day. There was an apostle named Judas. Two, actually. Then there was the half -brother of Jesus, full brother of the man James, who wrote an epistle by that name.

James and Jude grew up in the same house as Jesus, but early on decided that He was not to be followed, at least by them. Years passed. Then came the death and subsequent resurrection of Jesus. In Mary’s household, how could anyone not believe what had just happened?!

James became a leader in the early church, and Jude’s known work is this short but very intense epistle.

  1. Jude, verses 3-6. What is the angelic domain? How did these angels leave it?

We don’t know exactly the space to which angels were confined. But some of them left their assigned area to come to earth and actually cohabit with humans. “The sons of God saw the daughters of men…” says Genesis. They were making a power play to take over the planet as early as this, but God intercepted their plans and bound the perpetrators to this day.

  1. Jude, verse 8. What are “dignitaries” (NKJV) or “majesties” (NASB)?

Jude suggests here that even fallen angels, including Satan himself, are to be acknowledged with a certain amount of deference. There is a hierarchy of angelic beings that work under their master, and they have been given certain powers. The various orders are here called “worthies” or “dignitaries” or “majesties.” Beings with whom we need to be careful, but not fearful.

The false teachers of whom Jude was aware were making light of these things, talking in ignorance about them, even reviling their authority. Serious matter.

  1. Jude, verse 9. What was the nature of the dispute about the body of Moses, and how do we know about it?

Jude used sources available in his day. Though some of them were of doubtful origin, they included pieces of information that were true. How Jude knew this we are not told. One commentator suggests that Jude used a current source simply as an example of the point he was trying to make, namely, that we must not rebuke “worthies.” He may have known it was not a true story, but used it anyway.

As to the dispute about Moses’ body, there is speculation that, since God buried Moses, and we know not where, Satan was incensed at having been left out of the plans. Perhaps he had the idea that he would use the body of Moses as an idol that would be adored by all Israel. But he couldn’t find it. Again, speculation.

A very difficult passage, say the commentators. I agree.

  1. Jude, verse 14. Which 6 men came before Enoch?

Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared. No mystery here. The names are recorded in Genesis. This is the first part of the line that leads to Abraham, David, and Messiah Jesus.

  1. Jude, verse 14. Is the book of Enoch available today?

Yes, it is. A quick search on the Internet will give online reading possibilities as well as purchase information. It is an ancient but well preserved work, containing some truths, as recorded here by Jude.

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