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Islam - We Just Don't Get It!
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Islam - We Just Don't Get It!

When President George W. Bush was still in office after the 9/11 attack, I remember hearing him talk about the religion of the perpetrators involved. "I believe that Islam is a great religion that preaches peace," Mr. Bush assured us. Some of us know better! In case you don’t, let me help to enlighten you a little, to broaden your intellectual horizons.

First, let’s look at the religion of peace’s holy book. This is the same book that CAIR (Counsel on American-Islamic Relations), the unindicted co-conspirators in the Hamas funding case are trying to get into the hands of hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens. I’m sure you’ve heard of this organization. CAIR is a past member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee and/or its organizations. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted or deported after being charged with fraud, embargo violations, or aiding terrorist training. Let’s look at a few verses from this peace loving, (un)holy book. Let me say this first, though, that as ignorant Americans, we need to understand the two “dispensations” of the Quran. There are those who’ll say that the Quran does contain some verses about peace, and may even quote the verse about “no compulsion in religion,” etc. The Quran, though not assembled in chronological order, has definite historical divisions. There are the Meccan suras (chapters) and the Medinan suras. The Meccan verses were written when Mohammed was weak and had few followers. In fact, he was forced to flee for his life to Medina. This is known as the Hijra. In fact, this is the point in which Muslims set their beginning date, the A.H. you see after their years. It’s after this that Mohammed begins to gain power and the nature of the Quran begins to change to a more warlike, hateful book. What about the previous verses of tolerance? They were abrogated, annulled, not for the Medinan dispensation! This one fact needs to be kept in mind when dealing with the Quran.

So let’s look at some verses (and these are just the tip of the tip of the iceberg):

Sura (8:55) - Surely the vilest of animals in Allah's sight are

those who disbelieve.

Sura (48:29) - Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And

those with him are hard (ruthless) against the disbelievers and

merciful among themselves.

Sura (9:30) - And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and

the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah... Allah

(Himself) fights against them. How perverse are they!

Sura (8:12) - I will cast terror into the hearts of those who

disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every

fingertip of them.

Sura (9:123) - O you who believe! Fight those of the

unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you


Sura (5:33) - The punishment of those who wage war against

Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the

land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or

their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides

or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for

them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a

grievous chastisement.

Maybe we are just “misunderstanders of Islam” and are terribly wrong about this loving religion. I guess the best way to learn is to watch the actions of the followers of Mohammed. Jesus said, “For every tree is known by his own fruit..” (Lk. 6: 44). Let’s start with just this December. I’ll give the date, country, incident, and those killed (K) and injured (I).

12/10/2009 (Thailand) Three Buddhist women are torn to shreds by a remote-

controlled bomb planted on a motorcycle outside a restaurant. 3 K/8 I

12/09/2009 (Iraq) Two streetsweepers are among four Iraqis murdered by Islamic bombers in attacks on a library and minibus. 4 K/11 I

12/09/2009 (Thailand) A civilian is shot to death in his car by Muslim militants. 1 K

12/09/2009 Thailand) A series of bombs rocks several neighborhoods. A bomb disposal technician is killed. 1 K/17 I

12/08/2009 (Iraq) Five car bombs, one outside a fine arts center, leave at least one-hundred and twenty Iraqis dead and nearly five hundred more in agony. 127 K/448 I

12/07/2009 (Pakistan) A Shia leader is shot to death by Sunni rivals. 1 K (Their version of a church split, I guess!)

12/07/2009 (Thailand) A Buddhist man and woman are murdered by Muslim bombers at a busy market. 2 K/11 I

12/07/2009 (Iraq) Seven children are among eight dead when Sunni radicals bomb a Shia school. 8 K/40 I

12/07/2009 (Pakistan) At least fifty people are incinerated by twin bombings at a crowded marketplace. 50 K/150 I

12/07/2009 (Pakistan) Eleven people at a courthouse are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. 11 K/45 I

12/07/2009 (India) Muslim terrorists gun down a political worker outside his home. 1 K

12/07/2009 (Iraq) Six Iraqis are gunned down by al-Qaeda. Two more bodies are discovered in Kirkuk. 8 K.

12/06/2009 (Pakistan) The Taliban murder two tribesmen outside a mosque. 2 K/2 I

12/04/2009 (Pakistan) Mujahideen bombers take out six members of a wedding party traveling in a mini-bus. 6 K/13 I

Are we getting it yet? Are they all “misunderstanders of Islam”? This list is not all-inclusive (see for a complete list) yet it covers just a week! The week of 11/28/2009 - 12/04/2009 resulted in 144 K/ 295 I. There have been over 14,000 terrorist attacks since 9/11! These acts were done by Muslims following the Mullas and Imams, being taught out of the Quran! Are they all “misunderstanders of Islam”? Consider this, “More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland... Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years,” (

Are we getting it yet? Do we understand what really happened at Ft. Hood? Do we have a good idea now what’s in store for Rifqa Bary? Are we following how our senators and congressmen are treating Islam? Have we been watching the Islamization of Europe? Oh, well! Back to the game. First and ten at the eighteen yard line, two minutes....

“But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matt.24: 37

“The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence... And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them...” Gen. 6: 11, 13

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