That Ye Should Not Be Offended John 16:1-4
The Gospel is offensive to natural minds because the flesh is contrary to the Spirit of God, and by nature will not submit to God, “…because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be, so then they that are in the flesh cannot please God…” (Romans 8:7-8).While those who are the LORD’S by His electing, redeeming grace have been brought to Christ in repentance, and therefore glory in Christ and His sacrificial death at Calvary, yet our LORD here warns against being offended by the natural offense reaction to unconverted sinners toward them, because of their impenitent hearts. Because they can’t get their hands on Christ, they attack His body, the church.
The word ‘offended’ that the LORD uses means ‘to stumble or fall’ - that is, to apostatize. There are many who profess faith in the LORD Jesus, and yet when persecution arises, they fall away. Such were never the LORD’S, or else He would have kept them. Yet, our LORD here proceeds immediately to tell them, of what He had often spoken to them. They would be subject to great persecutions and trials. v. 2- “They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” Amazingly, the persecution would come from religious people. Our LORD Jesus Christ Himself was about to be removed by death at the hands of wicked men, according to God’s purpose, Acts 2:23. It was in the synagogues and the Sanhedrin that they plotted His death, so should any of us be surprised that opposition to the LORD Jesus should be so prominent in congregations where the Scriptures are read, and yet the hearts are veiled? Our LORD clearly states the reason for such opposition. v. 3- “And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.” While many profess salvation in Christ, yet they oppose the truth of God’s sovereign grace in choosing out sinners for salvation, and sending the LORD Jesus to pay their entire sin debt, exclusive of the rest of the world. This offense, in not wanting God to be God, is an indication that they have never been taught of Him.
Our LORD was about to send the apostles into an unfriendly rebellious world. Therefore our LORD encourages them in v. 4- “But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you.”
In spite of our LORD’S constant warning, none of the disciples would understand the depth of the danger of apostasy, until they had forsaken Him, and after His death, burial and resurrection, HE sought them out and drew them back to Him, Luke 24:13-53. All these things the LORD ordained and tailored to them, to strengthen them, and cause them to see that they would have sunk under these trials, and forsaken Him and His cause forever, were it not for the LORD saving them by His death and keeping them by His Spirit.
By this we learn 4 lessons:
1. That were any of the LORD’S left to themselves they would fall away and perish, Luke 22:32.
2. That God by His saving, redeeming grace in Christ preserves in Him those for whom He paid the debt, Jude 1:1.
3. That the warnings of Scripture against apostasy are a reminder of the LORD’S love and care for His own and His faithfulness in keeping each one, though they not even be aware. It is His saving power to keep His own from drawing back into perdition, Hebrews 10:39.
4. That the LORD Jesus beforehand secured and made certain the continuance in faith of His sheep, knowing all their dangers and enemies, John 10:28-30.
And, in like manner, we who are His, are persuaded that "he is able to keep that which we commit unto him against that day.” (2 Timothy 1:12)