Pentecost- "The Spirit of Sonship Sent" Galatians 4:4-7 The Apostle Paul will have us understand that the birth, life, death, and resurrection are all one in the work of God in our redemption! That son ship of Christ is one whereby we call "Abba Father." We often put emphasis on Christ's birth, but not on Pentecost which is a mistake. We are made SONS and God sends his Holy Spirit into our hearts. Paul is speaking of the Church as she is a child and the Church when she comes to maturity. The Old and New dispensation and he draws this analogy.
The Galatian Church had Jewish Christians but also others. The Jewish wanted to bring Christians back to the Old Testament ceremonies like circumcision. Two things are found: Paul defends his apostleship and he also defends his position against the judeizers about being under the "yoke of bondage" in the Old Testament. The church in the Old Testament was young, a child, like a servant though the heir of all while the church in the New Testament is an adult, knowing all with the Spirit in her heart now. The fullness of time marks this difference (distinction) between the Old and New Testament "the fullness of time." God sends His Son and the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament He speaks OF Christ as a promise and in the New Testament He sends the Holy Spirit as the sanctifier and justifier as the Sons of God witness to us of our son ship! Paul draws from the history of the Jews and the Old Testament to show that the belief that salvation was by the Old Testament works was foolish and that we should take hold of Christ for our salvation. We look at the cross as the complete fulfillment of our justification in the new dispensation! In the Old it was all a matter of promise. The Old Testament church was in the bondage under the law.
Now he says we are the church receiving the Spirit of adoption. NOT the bondage of the law and promise of salvation. We have Pentecost and the power of the Spirit goes out "as the wind listeth!" It convicts us of sin and shows us of our son ship from eternity to eternity. The Gospel is no longer "limited" and testifies to us that we are sons from all eternity! We ARE the children of God!
It is the Spirit of adoption (by nature NOT the children of God having no right and under the curse) revealing unto us the Spirit of God and turning us to the center of Scripture...Christ and Him crucified! Any wonder that there was rejoicing in Heaven when this happened in the fullness of time?! Any wonder why we join in on the rejoicing?! We are like the prodical son in Luke15..and have the Fathers open arms of mercy! "My son, you are no longer a servant!"
And....the Spirit continues to say and witness to us that we are joint heirs of Heaven to feast with Him forevermore!!!
Wow! Amazing!