1. I Corinthians 1:18, Romans 1:16. What is the power of God, to Paul?
To Paul it was the message of the cross, or the Gospel message, that actually dynamited people’s lives. We tend to think of huge miracles on one hand or political might on the other, but both of these are subservient to the simple message of forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus.
2. I Corinthians 1:21, 23. What saved us, preaching, or the thing preached?
It’s merely a vocabulary question, but modern versions of the Bible tend to go with the latter words, “the thing preached.” This, because the Greek behind the word is “kerygma”, a proclamation. It is the message that saved us, not some odd preaching style, or even a public message at all. Somehow we got the word in our ears, and it did its work. God does the proclaiming ultimately, using any number of methods and styles. But the thing preached, that is what we must guard. The message of the cross, the Good News about Jesus, that’s the message. That alone saves.
3. I Corinthians 2:7. To what wisdom is Paul referring?
We do not use the ideas of men to bring people to Christ. Their wisdom is no wisdom. Nevertheless, there are deeper things about this Jesus and His Ways that are wisdom indeed and must be communicated to God’s people. These deep things come directly from the Spirit of God. Paul and other apostles received great amounts of this wisdom and thankfully wrote it down and passed it on, so that we can say, putting all these writings together, that we have the mind of Christ.
The Spirit of God is not withdrawn now that the revelation is out there. Rather, He works in the hearts of His people as they listen to the revelations, or read them, and need to understand what has been written for them. In every age, God’s people receive words from Heaven, wisdom. New, yet as old as the Book, in every person.
4. I Corinthians 2:15. What does Paul mean, “we judge all things”?
Once more, modern translations have helped us out by updating English for us. In that difficult language, “judge” can mean condemn, or evaluate. The latter meaning is before us. A truly spiritual person discriminates, discerns, appraises, evaluates. Nothing is taken for granted. There is such deceit available that “reading the fine print on the label” is a must for the mature one. Everything and everyone must be “vetted”, checked out, verified. The stakes are too high to be sloppy in this area.
5. I Corinthians 3:1-4. What is “carnal” or “fleshly” in Paul’s thinking?
Spiritual Babies. Newborns. Truly saved, but still in diapers. Able only to drink milk, simple things. Jealous. Arguing. Denominational. Divisive.
Grow up! Is Paul’s message to them.
6. I Corinthians 3:12. Give an example of building with the wrong or right materials.
Right materials: Leading a holy life before the flock. Leading in church activities, not just supervising. Healthy diet of the Scriptures in every service. Demonstrations of love, compassion, sincerity. These things will build a strong healthy church.
Wrong materials: Admission of any program or group that wears the name “Christian.” Entertainment on a regular basis. Constant eating. Making the church look and feel like the world. Topical messages, with little Scripture. Emphasis on experience as opposed to bearing fruit. These things may also build a church. But the church will be sickly and eventually ripe for judgment.
7. I Corinthians 3:10-15. Is this passage about salvation?
No. The man who builds the church, even improperly, will be saved, but as by fire. He’ll be snatched from judgment at the last minute but will bring no fruit into eternity.
8. I Corinthians 3:22. How is it that “all things are ours”?
We are connected to Christ Jesus eternally and in the present time. Anything we actually need we can have by faith and prayer. There are no limits as long as the Kingdom is being blessed by our requests.
9. I Corinthians 4:6. What does it mean to “exceed that which is written”?
Not clear here whether he is talking about letters he has written, including the present one, or the writings of Scripture. In either case, he admonishes the Corinthians and us to stick to the principles we have been given, and not start some new order of things based on a denominational spirit. The Word/my letters teach you about humility, about how Jesus did what He did, about dying to self. Stick to that. Don’t assume there is now something more because you have found a favorite teacher. Stay with what is written.