2. To proclaim salvation alone through the blood and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. To declare the sinfulness, helplessness, and hopelessness of man in a state of nature.
4. To describe, as far as I am able, the living experience of the saints of God in their trials, temptations, and sorrows-- and in their consolations and blessings. --J. C. Philpot *****
HOLY ONE, MADE SIN FOR SINNERS Author - Unknown - Tune: "I Surrender All"
1. All for me Christ did surrender, All for me He freely gave; Holy One, made sin for sinners, By His death my soul He saved.
Chorus: He surrendered all, He surrendered all, All to be my bless-ed Savior, He surrendered all.
2. Coming from His throne in heaven, Jesus laid His glory by; Thus this sinner is forgiven, And shall soon be glorified. (Chorus)
3. E'en to death Christ did surrender, Even death upon a cross; All to save the worst offender, Mine the gain, His all the loss. (Chorus)
4. At the cross the Father's pleasure, Prospered well in Jesus' hands; Now He's honored without measure, So the Father's will demands. (Chorus) *****
What Is The Gospel All About? “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (Rom 1:16 The gospel of Christ is not about an offer, it is about His one offering for sins forever. It is not about a proposition, but the fact that God set Him forth as the propitiation through faith in His blood. It is not about God giving all a chance, but about Him choosing a people in Christ before the world began. It is not about a way available, but about Christ, the Way, alone. It is not about God trying to do something, but about God triumphing on behalf of someone. It is not about man's will, but about the Lamb's worthiness. It is not about man's decision, but about Christ's death. It is not about infused goodness, but about imputed righteousness. It is not a matter of apologetics and debate, but of apostolic declarations. It is not about our good, but His grace. It is not building a church, but about the Builder of the Church. It's not about "church planting," but about the church God purchased with His own blood. It's not about how many, but about His mercy. It's not about what to give God, but about what He's given us in Christ. It's not about law, it's about Christ the End of the Law For Righteousness. In other words, it's all about God, His grace, His Son and His glory! –Pastor Gary Shepard *****
The Glory of His Grace "To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved." (Ephesians 1:6) A poet wrote "Grace! `tis a charming sound, harmonious to the ear". To everyone who has tasted the bitterness of their own sin and has come to know and feel their own depravity, grace is indeed a charming sound. However, it is not so with everyone. There are those to whom the word and the doctrine are bitter to their taste and unpleasant to their ears. Grace is such a singular and absolute principle that it will countenance no rival and will stand for no mixture with it. It resides alone as the means by which God saves sinners. No words can do grace justice! No song can encompass its true melody. No sermon or theological treatise can expound the depths or heights of its glory. Every redeemed person rests in it and is motivated to work by it. It is the source of comfort and conviction, of joy and tears, of desire and fulfillment, of meekness and boldness; and those who have experienced the wonder of it are forever enamored by it. Those who have experienced the beauty and the power of it find their mind and heart consumed by it. It is mystery and revelation. Their language is salted with it. Their relationships are monitored and measured by it. Their very soul is permeated with it. They are possessed with a kind of "tunnel vision" that, to the world, seems to borders on fanatacism. Their conversation is so singularly taken with grace that religion often refers to them as "gracers" or "sovereign gracers" and usually in an effort to disallow them, to mock them. But the recipient of grace can not help himself. He gladly takes up the banner and wears the disdain of the world as a badge of honor. God's grace is part and parcel of His glory (Exodus 33:19). –Pastor Tim James ***** Daily Readings - April 30-May 6, 2017 Sunday - 2 Kings 1-3 Monday - 2 Kings 4-5 Tuesday - 2 Kings 6-8 Wednesday- 2 Kings 9-11 Thursday - 2 Kings 12-13 Friday - 2 Kings 14-15 Saturday - 2 Kings 16-17