“Reformation ends not in contemplation but in action.” George Gillespie (1613-1648) No cultural solution of value is achieved merely from ambition or a sense of duty. Solutions arise as a result of their... [ ... ]
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-- recent blog posts -- 06/02/17 - The Faceless Face Book: Blessing or... 05/12/17 - Family Business? OR The Business of the... 05/11/17 - Tenacious Continuity 04/17/17 - Singleness of Purpose 04/07/17 - Weapons of Mass Distraction 03/29/17 - Ambassador School Blog Post: The... 03/29/17 - THE IMPORTANCE OF "WHY" 03/22/17 - Reformation Action 03/10/17 - Christian Business: What it Is & What... 03/01/17 - Reformation: Then and Now 02/22/17 - Navigating the College Chaos 02/06/17 - Social Transmission Theology 01/30/17 - The Psychology of Arousal 01/25/17 - Intensity of Purpose 01/18/17 - Christian Reconstruction: No Laughing... 01/12/17 - The Essentials of Christian... 12/23/16 - The Blue Ocean 12/21/16 - Stop Reading 03/22/16 - A Great Opportunity for Cultural... 03/22/16 - A Great Opportunity 02/15/16 - Defunding Humanism 12/29/15 - The Hamster Wheel 12/29/15 - The Hamster Wheel 12/14/15 - A Call To All Governing Officials 11/19/15 - The Philosophy of New Geneva, its... 11/06/15 - Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond on "How... 10/14/15 - NEW DEVELOPMENTS @ NEW GENEVA 07/27/15 - Laxity & Defeat Or Action & Victory 07/20/15 - Someday 07/13/15 - The Metaphorical Shedding of Innocent... 07/10/15 - Definition 07/08/15 - Definition 07/01/15 - Countering the Revisionists 06/29/15 - Countering the Revisionists 06/18/15 - Supreme Court Decisions Turning Against... 05/28/15 - Property Taxation Is Property... 05/01/15 - VIDEO: Who Rules? 04/14/15 - Kingdom, Authroity & Power Through the... 04/02/15 - The Declaration of the Universal King 01/22/15 - The U-Tube Prophesy Initiative by... 01/12/15 - The U-Tube Prophesy Initiative by... 01/12/15 - The U-Tube Prophesy Initiative by... 12/06/14 - Geneva’s UPDATE for the 2015 12/06/14 - Geneva’s UPDATE for the 2015 10/28/14 - Tactical Considerations for a Biblical... 10/28/14 - Tactical Considerations for a Biblical... 10/28/14 - Tactical Considerations for a Biblical... 06/02/14 - Scholarship and the Theological Library... 05/28/14 - Scholarship and the Theological Library... 05/01/14 - The Christian Strategy for Advancing... 05/01/14 - The Christian Strategy for Advancing... 05/01/14 - The Christian Strategy for Advancing... 02/27/14 - Do Something Before It Is Too Late 02/10/14 - Oppression Tyranny & The Messianic State 02/06/14 - Political Science Courses Now Available... 02/06/14 - Political Science Courses Now Available... 01/23/14 - Biblical Economics 101 01/23/14 - Biblical Economics 101 01/23/14 - History, Ethics & the Covenant of God 11/23/13 - Geneva’s Opportunity 11/23/13 - Geneva’s Opportunity 11/13/13 - Slavery, Death and the Establishment of... 11/11/13 - Unapologetic 11/08/13 - New Courses & Catolog Slotted for 2014 11/08/13 - New Courses & Catolog Slotted for 2014 10/28/13 - Theocracy, Theonomy and Ignorance 09/16/13 - New Geneva’s ACADEMIC CAFE. 09/16/13 - New Geneva’s ACADEMIC CAFE. 09/10/13 - Faith Without Hard Work Is Dead 08/06/13 - Passion Sharing 07/24/13 - Internship at New Geneva 07/24/13 - Internship at New Geneva 07/06/13 - Concrete Ideas 06/17/13 - Motive, Standard & Goal 05/27/13 - Opening Doors 05/03/13 - Lie Pinocchio Lie 05/01/13 - Leadership and Frustration 05/01/13 - Leadership and Frustration 04/22/13 - Authenticity 04/17/13 - Geneva’s New Course Additions 04/15/13 - Fear of Failure 03/27/13 - Leadership is not… 03/25/13 - The Family Sphere 03/13/13 - Personal Productivity 03/13/13 - Personal Productivity 03/11/13 - Sphere Vision: The Individual 03/07/13 - The Logos of Rhetoric 03/01/13 - The Tao Of Gospel Application 02/26/13 - Reaching Out 02/24/13 - It's Personal 02/22/13 - Don't Just Sit There 02/20/13 - The Genevan Alternative 02/19/13 - Preaching For Real Change 02/17/13 - SNOW DELAY 02/15/13 - Setting Expectations 02/12/13 - The Only Reliable Reference Point 02/06/13 - The Most Valuable Resource 02/04/13 - Visual Intimidation 01/29/13 - RIGHTEOUS CHANGE 01/25/13 - DEDICATION & CHANGE 01/22/13 - REDEEMING THE TIME 01/21/13 - TACTICS TO ADVANCE LIBERTY 01/18/13 - Historical Amnesia and the Destruction... 01/15/13 - THE NEW CHALLENGE 01/15/13 - The Divine Mandate for Christ Centered... 01/11/13 - LIBERTY OR TYRANNY 01/09/13 - THE GIDEON PROJECT USA 01/07/13 - New Geneva’s Mission for the... 01/07/13 - Interaction, Challenge and Persuasion 11/29/12 - Association and Infiltration 09/14/12 - Leadership: Observation and... 09/05/12 - The Making of Many Books 08/31/12 - Authentic Leadership: The Distinction 08/30/12 - A Compelling World Changing Product 04/05/12 - A Brief Critique of Dispensationalism 04/02/12 - A Letter to Clare: Apologetics 101 Part... 03/29/12 - A Letter to Clare: Apologetics 101 Part... 03/12/12 - The U.S. Constitution: God's Law or... 03/04/12 - A Letter to Clare: Apologetics 101 Part... 02/19/12 - A Letter to Clare: Apologetics 101 Part... 02/11/12 - A Letter to Clare: Apologetics 101 01/05/12 - A Brief Critique of Dispensationalism 12/17/11 - Pharmacological Slave Drugs Unnecessary 12/16/11 - New Geneva Update 2012 10/31/11 - Halloween: Pagan or Christian 10/31/11 - Occupy America and Friendly Fascism:... 10/05/11 - New Geneva Launches Its On Campus... 09/25/11 - Biblical Tithing: The Key To... 07/16/11 - Tyranny, Independence, or Liberty Under... 07/14/11 - God’s Wrath Kindled Against the Ungodly... 05/26/11 - False Prophets Must Be Held Accountable 05/25/11 - Legalized Assault via Sexual Harassment 05/24/11 - Amerika’s Police State is Not Coming…... 05/05/11 - The Evil Conquest of the Government... 04/21/11 - The Passion of the Christian Saint 04/16/11 - The Wise & Mysterious Providence of God 04/11/11 - Economic Meltdown – It’s Coming 04/08/11 - The Stabilty of the Christian Family 03/31/11 - The Madness of a Tyrant 03/27/11 - Establishing a Biblical World View 03/24/11 - Biblical Reconstruction and Reform: The... 03/15/11 - Economic Security and Family Order 03/14/11 - Family Economics Conference 2011 Update 03/07/11 - POST: Introduction to Biblcial Economics 03/07/11 - Geneva College Blackboard 03/07/11 - Patience and Preparation 03/03/11 - Real Wealth and the Dollar’s Demise 02/28/11 - Sovereignty and Dominion 02/26/11 - Booms, Busts, and Food Prices 02/23/11 - Economic Chaos, Fear and Uncertainty:... 02/21/11 - Politics, Tyrants and the Christian... 02/21/11 - Unrest, Rebellion and The Law of God 02/21/11 - Unrest, Rebellion and The Law of God 02/17/11 - Fairness Doctrine: Unfair and... 02/10/11 - Biblical Eschatology : Accuracy is... 02/10/11 - Biblical Eschatology : Accuracy is... 02/09/11 - Family-Based Entrepreneur Conference 02/06/11 - Sins of Blasphemy 02/04/11 - Blog Update 2/4/2011 02/03/11 - The Puritan George Gillespie Declares... 02/03/11 - Too Religious to Home Educate??? 02/02/11 - Virginia Looks at an Alternative to the... 01/31/11 - Strategos 01/12/11 - Liberal Threats Against Conservatives 01/04/11 - The National Inflation Association... 01/03/11 - Explicitly Christian Politics is the... 06/10/03 - "Christ’s Comprehensive Covenant... 05/28/03 - "History, Leadership and Dominion"... 12/24/02 - Covenant Education series final sermon 12/14/02 - Part 6 of "Covenant Education" 11/24/02 - New Sermon Posted 11/22/02 - 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