Christ Must Be ALL! We cannot keep our eye too exclusively or too intently fixed on Jesus. All salvation is in Him. All salvation proceeds from Him. All salvation leads to Him. And for the assurance and comfort of our salvation we are to repose believingly and entirely on Him. Christ must be all! Christ the beginning; Christ the center; and Christ the end. Oh sweet truth to you who are sensible of your poverty, vileness, and insufficiency, and of the ten thousand flaws and failures of which, perhaps, no one is cognizant but God and your own soul! Oh, to turn and rest in Christ; a full Christ; a loving Christ; a tender Christ, whose heart's love never chills, from whose eye darts no reproof, from whose lips breathes no sentence of condemnation! Christ must be all! --Octavius Winslow ***** Luke 10:42 “But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. “*****
Jesus, Engrave it on My Heart Words by Samuel Medley Tune to When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 1. Jesus! engrave it on my heart, That Thou the One thing needful art: I could from all things parted be, But never, never, Lord, for Thee! 2. Needful is Thy most precious blood, To reconcile my soul to God; Needful in Thy indulgent care; Needful Thy all-prevailing prayer. 3. Needful Thy presence, dearest Lord! True peace and comfort to afford; Needful Thy promise, to impart Fresh life and vigor to my heart. 4. Needful art Thou, my Guide! my Stay! Thro' all life's dark and weary way; Nor less in death Thou'lt needful be, To bring my spirit home to Thee. 5. Then needful still my God! my King! Thy Name eternally I'll sing: Glory and praise be ever His, The One Thing needful, Jesus is! ***** The Deep Things of God "But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God." 1 Corinthians 2:10 The Spirit of God in a man's bosom searches the deep things of God, so as to lead him into a spiritual and experimental knowledge of them. What depths do we sometimes see in a single text of Scripture as opened to the understanding, or applied to the heart? What a depth in the blood of Christ—how it "cleanses from all sin,"—even millions of millions of the foulest sins of the foulest sinners! What a depth in His bleeding, dying love, that could stoop so low to lift us so high! What a depth in His pity and compassion to extend itself to such guilty, vile transgressors as we are! What depth in His rich, free, and sovereign grace, that it should super-abound over all our aggravated iniquities, enormities, and vile abominations! What depth in His sufferings—that He should have voluntarily put Himself under such a load of guilt, such outbreakings of the wrath of God—as He felt in His holy soul when He stood in our place to redeem poor sinners from the bottomless pit—that those who deserved hell, should be lifted up into the enjoyment of heaven! --J. C. Philpot (1858) ***** Our Mediator! God, apart from Christ, is an angry, offended Sovereign. Unless we behold Him in and through Christ, the Mediator, the terrors of His Majesty would overwhelm us.We dare not approach the Father except in Christ because of our sins. We first fasten our eyes upon Christ, then upon the Father. If Christ does not bear our guilt and reconcile us unto God, we perish! Before any man can think to stand before the face of God's justice or be admitted to the secret chamber of God's mercy or partake of the riches of His grace, he must look to the Mediator, Christ Jesus. --Stephen Charnock