“Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” Acts 20:21
Though In A Foreign Land Words by: Augustus Toplady
Tune: Blest be the Tie that Binds (H. Naegeli) 1. Though in a foreign land, We are not far from home; And nearer to our rest above, We every moment come. 2. Secure within the veil, Christ is our anchor strong; While power supreme, and love divine, Still guide us safe along. 3. And should the surges rise– Should sore afflictions come, Blest is the sorrow, kind the storm, That drives us nearer home. 4. God's grace will to the end Clearer and brighter shine; Nor present things, nor things to come, Can change His love divine. 5. Soon shall our pains and fears For ever pass away; For we shall soon the Savior see In everlasting day. ***** Today’s Scripture Readings: Morning: Deuteronomy 12:1-28 Evening: 1 Corinthians 3:1-23
***** His name! There is everything we need in Jesus to endear His name to our hearts. He is our Prophet, teaching us the will of the Father. He is our Priest, offering up Himself as our atoning Victim. He is our King, erecting His throne in our hearts, and subduing us to Himself as His loving and obedient subjects. He is our Friend, loving us at all times. He is our Brother, bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh, born for our adversity. He is our Great High Priest, touched with the feeling of our infirmities, tempted in all points as we are and in our sorrows, griefs, and trials encircling us with the many folded robe of His tender, loving sympathy. O to know Jesus, that most excellent and superlative knowledge! With Paul we may well count all things but loss for its possession. To know Him as our Savior, to know Him as our Friend, to know Him as our Brother, to know Him as our Advocate, to know Him as our Portion, is endless life and glory! --Octavius Winslow ***** The Love of God to His People! Quietly study the depth of the love of God to you, His people. He has loved you without a cause. The grace of God is deeper than the depths of our sin, higher than the heights of our rebellion, broader and longer than the breadths and lengths of our depravity. Oh, the exceeding riches of the grace of God! He has loved you without beginning. Before years, and centuries, and millenniums began to be counted, your name was on His heart. Eternal thoughts of love have been in God's bosom towards you. He has loved you without a pause. There never was a minute in which He did not love you. Your name once engraved upon His hands has never been erased, nor has He ever blotted it out of the Book of Life. He has loved you most patiently. You have often provoked Him; you have rebelled against Him times without number, yet He has never stopped the outflow of His heart towards you; and, blessed be His name, He never will. You are His, and you always shall be His. He has loved you without boundary. He could not love you more, for He loves you like a God; and He never will love you less. All His heart belongs to you! For you, Jesus left the throne of honor for the cross of shame; the brightness of glory for the darkness of the tomb. Oh, the depths of the love which is revealed in Calvary! The incomprehensible love of God is deeper than hell, and higher than heaven. It is as long as eternity, and wide as immensity. You will never, never be able to fathom the depth of the love of God towards you, in the gift of His dear Son to be your Redeemer. Oh, how ought I to love my God who has so loved me! Oh, how I ought to hate the sin which made my Savior bleed! The agonies of Christ call us to the slaughter of our sins! --C. H. Spurgeon ***** Joy and Peace In and Through Christ My friends, when the Lord Jesus is truly seen, believed, and loved, there will be joy in the Lord with genuine peace of conscience. Yes, we are sinners; but Christ died for sinners! Yes, the law condemns; but Christ honored the law! Yes, justice has a claim; but Christ satisfied that claim! Yes, we are imperfect in faith, in commitment, in love; but He knows our frame and remembers that we are dust, and loves us all the same. We are in Him by His choice, redeemed by His blood, called by His Spirit, and kept by His power, through faith which He gave us! How can I entertain any doubts based on shortcomings found in me when the whole affair is the Lord's doings? --Henry Mahan