But I have trusted in Thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in Thy salvation. I will sing unto the LORD, because He hath dealt bountifully with me. (Psalm 13:5-6) *****
Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens Adore Him Tune: Come Thou Fount (John Wyeth) Author Unknown 1. Praise the Lord, ye heavens, adore Him; Praise Him, angels, in the height; Praise the Lord for He is glorious, Praise Him all ye sons of light. Praise the God of our salvation, Host’s on earth His power proclaim; Heav’n and earth and all creation, Laud and magnify His name. 2. When the Savior said, “Tis finished,” Everything was fully done; Done as God Himself would have it, Christ the vict’ry fully won. All the doing is completed, Now ‘tis look, believe and live; Grace through righteousness is reigning; Life’s a gift that God must give. *****
Endless Adoration! The vista of a praiseful life will never close, but continue throughout eternity. From psalm to psalm, from hallelujah to hallelujah, we will ascend the hill of the Lord; until we come into the Holiest of all, where, with veiled faces, we will bow before the Divine Majesty in the bliss of endless adoration! -C.H. Spurgeon ***** A Saving 'Coming to Christ' "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 What did our Lord here signify, when He bade all the weary and heavy laden to come unto Him? It is quite evident that coming to Christ is something more than a physical act. Coming to Christ in the sense He here invited, is a going out of the soul after Him, a desire for Him, a seeking after Him, a personal embracing of and trusting in Him. It is the heart turning from the love of sin—to the love of holiness; from SELF—to the Savior! A saving coming to Christ denotes a turning our backs upon the world—and turning our hearts unto Him as our only Hope and Portion. It is the abandoning of every idol—and the surrendering of ourselves to His Lordship. It is the repudiation of our own righteousness and every dependency, and the heart going out to Him in loving submission and trustful confidence. It is the entire going out of SELF with all its resolutions and performances, to cast ourselves upon His grace and mercy. It is the will yielding itself up to His authority to be molded by Him, and to follow Him wherever He may lead. In short, coming to Christ is the whole soul of a guilty and self-condemned sinner—turning unto a whole Christ, in the exercise of all our facilities, responding to His claims upon us, prepared to unreservedly trust, sincerely love, and devotedly serve Him. --Arthur Pink ***** He Became Sick on Saturday and Died on Monday! Dear friend, Two people who were well the day you left us have since died. One of them has already been buried: he was a poor ungodly creature, suddenly cut off in the prime of life! The other man was young, jovial, jesting and thoughtless. He became sick on Saturday and died on Monday! Oh, my friend, what do we owe to the grace of God that we were not cut off in the days of our ignorance as so many others have been! Blessed be God for Jesus Christ - He is exalted to "save to the uttermost!" That word 'uttermost' has an extensive meaning it includes a conquest over all difficulties and a supply of all that is necessary! How totally and how often would I have been lost had not Jesus engaged to save me to the uttermost! And many a time I would have given up all hope but for that text, "He is able to save to the uttermost!" "To the uttermost" reaches to all possible circumstances. He can enlighten the most ignorant, soften the most obdurate, support the most tempted, comfort the most distressed, pardon the most guilty! Oh, may His precious name be engraved upon our hearts, and sound sweeter than music to our ears for He has loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and will save us to the uttermost in defiance of . . . all our sins, all our fears and all our enemies! (From the Letters of John Newton) ***** Daily Readings - January 29-February 4, 2017 Sunday - Exodus 35-37 Monday - Exodus 38-39 Tuesday - Exodus 40 Wednesday- Leviticus 1-3 Thursday - Leviticus 4-6 Friday - Leviticus 7-8 Saturday - Leviticus 9-10 ***** Congregational Scripture Reading: Psalm 13