This Sunday General Fund Benevolent
Midweek General Fund
Next Sunday General Fund CEF
Nursery Schedule
AM Samantha Barnard & Charity Vander Boon
PM Kristen Bazen & Hannah Jo Bazen
PM Elisabeth Heikoop & Leah Boerkoel
Next Sunday
AM Elissa Vander Boon & Mairi Heikoop
PM Meleah Bazen & Christiana Heikoop
Daily Schedule, the Lord willing..
Today: Rev. J.A. Van den Bergfor both services.
Wednesday, August 10: Midweek service. Rev. J.A. Van den Berg
7 pm
Sunday, August 14: Rev. J.A. Van den Bergfor both services.
Wednesday, August 17: Family Camp.
Thusday: August 18: Family Camp.
Sunday, August 21: Rev. G. Bilkesfor both services.
Pastor Van den Berg plans to be in Dundas, ON.
- Please continue to pray for Marie Vander Boon, as recovers from her bone fractures.
- Please pray for Mrs. Gayle Dykema as she plans to have surgery tomorrow.
- We want to thank you heartily for the support that we received from you to defray the costs of traveling to The Netherlands, for the funeral of our mother, mother-in-law and grandmother. We appreciate it a lot. May the Lord bless you for that.
The Van den Berg family.
- The consistory has decided lock all entrance doors to the church, except the upper door, nearest the bell tower. The doors will be locked at the time that the second Psalter is being sung.
- Mr. Neal Boerkoel plans to celebrate his 85th birthday this Saturday.
- Bible study of Isaiah (4:45-5:45pm) Next week. Bible study: Isa. 26, 27. " LORD, thou wilt ordain peace for us: for thou also hast wrought all our works in us. .”
- The new address for Mr. Jimmy Bazen is:
Pvt James A Bazen
1st PLT, Wardawgs
A.Co, 35th EN BN
Bldg 6100, 6221 Iowa Ave
Ft. Leonard Wood, MO 65473
General $8,975.34
CEF $1,129.71
Benevolent $1,303.00
Mission - Prison Book Ministry $1,072.30
Pastor Travel Expenses $5,879.00
“I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, that ye tell him, that I am sick of love.” Song of Solomon5:8.
She betakes herself to, 'the daughters of Jerusalem,' spoken of, chap. 1:5, professors not of the worst stamp; yet (as after appears) under much ignorance of Christ, and of spiritual exercise: this is the means she goes now unto. Where observe, 1. Spiritual communion, amongst professors or believers, is not only a duty, but a special means, being rightly made use of, to further our fellowship with Christ. 2. Believers, in their sad cases, may, and ought freely to make use of this means, by desiring other's help; and for their own ease and furtherance in meeting with Christ, by communicating their case to them, as she doth here. 3. Even the strongest believers (whom the Bride represents) may be helped by those that are much weaker than themselves in gifts, grace, and experience; as the daughters of Jerusalem are here: and so Paul often requires of others, inferior to, and much short of him, the help of their prayers.
Consider, Her desire to them, 'Tell him' (saith she) 'that I am sick of love;' make my ease known to him, and hold it up by prayer: she had been doing so herself, and had not come speed, and therefore she puts them upon it, that they might help her to obtain an answer. Observe. 1. That prayer for one another, is a duty of mutual fellowship, especially for those that are exercised others should be in that exercise with them, James 5:17. 2. Believers sometimes will not trust themselves with the opening of their own case to Christ, and will not be satisfied with their own way, but will think others can do it much better. 3. Praying for ourselves, and desiring of help from others, should go together; or, it will give most clearness and peace to believers, to desire the help of others, when they have been serious in the use of all means by themselves, as she had been. Rev. James Durham