One of the finest men I ever met was a truly born again Democrat. This piece is not about his sort.
I'll just go ahead and say it. I lean toward the Republican side of things, although there doesn't seem to be a lot of character in either Party these days. And that's the real point of what I must say.
The Democrats seem to know that if they are going to make a good showing in '08 they must come up with a more "Christian" image. they know that George Bush has scored well in terms of his faith and character.
So, Voila! An "evangelical Christian" gives up his Saturday morning to address the nation after the President. Fella by the name of Jim Wallis. He was told by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid that it's time for a new "tone".
Nothing at all new about the social Gospel of Jim Wallis. Some quotes will suffice:
"...we've had a politics of blame and fear..." This is said by one who claims to be a brother in spirit to the President. By the way, he was blaming the President. And hoping you will fear more Republican leadership. He claims to be non-partisan but can't spare an attack early on in his message.
"Religion has no monopoly on morality. We need a new, morally-centered discourse..." My religion, God's Word does have that monopoly! And as to morals, whose morals will be at the center of this new center, since we have discarded "religion" at the outset?
"A government that works for the common good is central." No. The government of Jesus Christ is the only thing that will work. All governments claim to work for the common good and end up feeding themselves.
"We must restore trust in our government." No. We must restore trust in God. By the way, should we ask Bill to run again? Now there was a man you could trust!
He then seeks to compare the workings of Hebrew society to our own, forgetting to add that Hebrews were chosen of God. Forgetting also to exonerate their claim to Israel. Liberal theology and politics are always the first to come against the Jews and their God-given rights.
"Jesus proclaimed a gospel that was 'good news to the poor'. " He fails to tell what that Gospel is that is accepted more by the poor than the rich: the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. The coming Kingdom that will fill the earth with God's glory. Jim's religion is bloodless and doomed.
"I am an evangelical Christian...a commitment to 'the least of these' ...compels my public actions." He goes on to tell of his policies for social reform and the conquest of poverty. But Jesus' teachings dealt with sin and forgiveness more than the acquisition of wealth or even equality. Jesus did not come to make us rich or comfortable here, but to ask us to take up a cross and follow Him to death. This is all absent from liberal theology (call it evangelical if you must).
He then makes a "non-partisan" attack on the war in Iraq, talks about the dangers of global warming, and social justice.
We've heard it all before. Soon we may be hearing it every day. God help His people to continue teaching the true Gospel, and seeing souls enter the true Government.