What can prepare us for meeting with God? The Bible states that the only preparation we can make is to give our lives to Jesus Christ. At the moment of conversion we become new creatures in Christ (2 Cor.5:17). Upon becoming a child of God we are then given His righteousness (Romans 4-5). And now we are to walk as He walked. Charles Spurgeon said, "True godliness is such a thing as no saint dares to trifle with." If you are not living a holy life then you are a stranger to God. Hebrew 12:14 says, "Pursue peace with all men, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord." To follow Christ we must lay down our pride and sinfulness. Are you paying the price to be holy as He is holy? Charles Spurgeon again says, "Sin will grow without sowing but holiness needs cultivation." A.W. Tozer adds, "The true Christian is not to be happy but to be holy...The more we learn of God and His ways and of man and his nature we are bound to reach the conclusion that we are all just about as holy as we want to be. We are all just about as full of the Spirit as we want to be. Thus when we tell ourselves we want to be more holy but we are really as holy as we care to be, it is a small wonder that the dark night of the soul takes so long." Are you a child of God? Are you holy? If you are not, you are not prepared to meet with God! Turn to Him now (see 1 Thess.1:9).
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