Attention,The BJU Department of Computer Science has entered into a mutually beneficial partnership with SermonAudio that will enhance the educational experience of its students.
In 2022, SermonAudio established a presence on the campus of Bob Jones University, including both office space and server equipment. SermonAudio has launched a server infrastructure initiative known as “The Vault” that is helping to preserve and propagate millions of trusted sermons to listeners around the world.
Under the terms of the partnership, SermonAudio provides internship opportunities to BJU students majoring in programs offered by the Department of Computer Science. BJU interns receive essential real-world experience as they work under the supervision of SermonAudio’s full development team to enhance many of its services. SermonAudio also sponsors a Technology Lecture Series that brings industry experts to the campus to discuss topics relevant to the students. These lectures are open to the public and provide good networking opportunities for our students.
Read more about The Vault.
If you are a prospective student with an interest in computer science and technology, please consider studying at BJU.