Join us in New York City DEC 12-13, 2023 for The Foundations Conference as we focus our attention for two days on PREACHING, PRAYER, and PRAISE."But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word."
— Acts 6:4
Preaching, prayer, and praise. These are the foundations of ministry.
When the apostles in the first-century church faced mounting distractions, they found it necessary to give themselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:4). As the church in the twenty-first century faces a super-highway of distractions from without and from within, we believe there is a need more than ever to return to these same foundations of ministry.
Our desire is to refresh and equip church leaders with powerful preaching, united prayer, and God-honoring praise. We're serious about powerful preaching, which is why we always seek to assemble a unique blend of strong preachers from various circles. We're serious about united prayer, which is why we put a heavy emphasis on encouraging one another in this oft-neglected discipline. And for this year, we will have the joy of singing some well-beloved psalms in God-honoring praise. In an increasingly divided world, let us gather around these foundations of ministry and enjoy a season of fellowship, refreshment, and unity.
Foundation: Preaching.
This conference is being organized by SermonAudio, and we operate the largest library of 2.5M free audio & video sermons from conservative churches and ministries worldwide. We believe in preaching.
It has been our distinct privilege to work with some of God's choicest pulpit servants over the years. For this year, we are pleased to bring together Steven Lawson, Alan Benson, Joel Beeke, Harold Vaughan, Ian Macleod, and Curtis Knapp. We're looking forward to a special time of Christian unity and friendship.
Foundation: Prayer.
It may surprise you to know that the Third Great Awakening began in New York City with the commencement of the daily noonday prayer meetings held initially on Williams and Fulton Street. The man who was instrumental in it all was Jeremiah Lanphier. In commemoration of this, we have published a book called The Case for United Prayer which will be our gift to you at the conference.
This has become a great focus for us as we seek to encourage God's people to recover corporate prayer in the church.
Foundation: Praise.
I had the immense privilege of visiting the land of Scotland a few times in the past year or so. I enjoyed visiting historical sites, worshipping with the saints, and even praying with one of the last surviving eyewitnesses of the 1950 Isle of Lewis revival. It left a profound impression upon me.
But there was one aspect of the trip that caught my attention. There was something particularly edifying about how the Scottish churches sang the psalms that was a bit different. I would like to bring the psalms in the way I experienced it to this year's conference. I believe it will be a blessing to you as it was to me.
In connection with that, we will be presenting our newly-published psalter called the Foundations Psalter to all attendees as our gift to you. It's based on the 1650 Scottish Psalter, but with a little extra (digital) detail which I think you'll enjoy.
The 1650 Scottish Psalter is a poetic, scholarly, and devotional masterpiece that was produced by an assembly of some of the most godly Puritan ministers in church history. It is our desire that the Foundations Psalter be used to help reintroduce this treasure of Scripture-based praise back into the worship of God among His people.
Christmas in New York.
The Christmas season is one of the best times to visit New York City due to the numerous, festive decorations. Some locations of interest include:
- Rockefeller Center
- Christmas Tree & Ice Rink at Rockefeller Center
- Christmas Decorations along Fifth Ave
- Each year for one week out of the year the New York Philharmonic presents Handel's Messiah at the Lincoln Center.
Venue: New York Gospel Ministries.
We are thankful to have our conference in an historic building that is shared by Manor Community Church and New York Gospel Ministries.
In a time when most Christian ministries are leaving New York City, NYGM maintains a faithful witness in the heart of Manhattan. We are grateful for their partnership in opening this incredibly historic church building for our conference. I hope you will seriously consider including the work of NYGM in your financial support.
350 W 26th St
New York, NY 10001
Official bookseller.
The official bookseller will be Reformation Heritage Books and they have graciously agreed to giveaway some free books for conference attendees and provide a generous discount on the large selection of material they will be bringing to this conference.
Lunch and refreshments will be provided for both days. Every attendee will receive a special gift, a conference mug, and free books.
We live in an incredibly divided society, and the church is not immune to divisions. Let us make every attempt to foster genuine Christian unity as we gather around truths that we can all agree upon. Enjoy with us!
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