We ran into a bit of a snag. We're working through some issues between SA and BJU that has caused the school to hit the PAUSE button until a solution can be found. In the meantime, we continue to trust the Lord and pray that God will do a great work yet—whether or not this particular project comes to fruition. It has given us a renewed sense of dependence on the Lord in prayer.The snag keeps us on our knees.
Snags are not bad things. Without them, we might get up from our knees too soon. But, as the Psalmist declares, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes." Psalm 119:71. We continue to pray each day with our United Prayer group and it has been a source of tremendous encouragement to me especially when there is plenty to discourage and challenge me each day.
The next generation needs encouragement.
Part of the motivation of this SA CENTER is to create an environment that will encourage and inspire young people to use their God-given gifts for the Lord. In my experience, I have found that too many young people go through college without much thought on using all of their amassed skills and training directly for the advance of the kingdom. But even in the place of prayer, the youth need encouragement. There are a number of young people represented on our daily prayer call and it is my prayer that they are protected from discouragement as they persist in prayer.
VLOG update #5.
This latest VLOG update took a bit more time to produce as I want to begin making the presentation quality a bit nicer in order to get the burden of the message across more clearly I trust. Hopefully, I'll be able to continue this going forward.
This VLOG is documenting our journey on a bold new project with BJU where we will be constructing an almost 4000-sqft SermonAudio Center on the school campus.
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