The following is not about me. But it is a continuation of a journey that we are all on together. I consider this praying group to be an instrumental component of how this all is coming to pass. Prayer is not tangential. It is not an add-on. It is not a secondary, peripheral thing. It is absolutely central. It is the critically essential soil out of which everything else that we attempt grows. What is happening in our prayer group is being manifested with this BJU project. There's no doubt about it. And when all is said and done, I want to see this as one of the greatest modern demonstrations of the fact that God still does answer prayer. To be clear, there is not anything special about this “group” per se, but I believe God is honored when we, like Daniel, “set our face to seek the Lord” with prayer and supplications (Daniel 9:3). The discipline of setting aside time, with others, to earnestly seek after God is what is important.
Lost in the weeds.
As you know, we are starting down a path of a pretty big project with Bob Jones University. It is a daunting project. We met with a bunch of people yesterday—architects, builder, HVAC, electric, IT, facilities, etc. We talked for 2 hours, pouring over the drawings and trying to identify needs for power, heating/air, data, lights. The server room, for instance, has special power and cooling requirements because of all the equipment that will be in that space. It requires its own HVAC system as well as a backup system for redundancy. There are some unique power requirements as well. There's a great deal of DETAIL and it's so easy to get lost in the weeds of detail.
The call to prayer.
Last night for our family Bible time, I read to the family one verse from Jeremiah 33:3. "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." I read it for my own benefit more than theirs. When I go through situations like this, I can easily become overwhelmed. Ever ask yourself the question, "What on earth am I getting into?" Well, I was asking that aplenty yesterday. Looking at this verse, I see that my first responsibility is to PRAY; to call unto the Lord. The promise is that God will answer. Isn't that wonderful that God hears our prayers? And will answer us? But if that weren't enough, He says that He will "shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." What a promise! If any MAN were to make such a statement, it would be taken with a grain of salt; considered to be hyperbole. But not so with God.
Courage, clarity, confidence.
In the light of such great and precious promises, I am asking God for courage. Courage to continue to take a step of faith. I am also asking God for clarity. Clarity to know where to place my feet each step of the way. And I am also asking God for confidence. Not self-confidence, but a steady confidence in the Lord and in His promises. Nothing doubting.
May the Lord give us courage, clarity, and confidence in our respective lives and situations in the days ahead. And may He keep us from getting lost in the weeds but keep us on our faces, seeking Him in prayer.
This VLOG is documenting our journey on a bold new project with BJU where we will be constructing an almost 4000-sqft SermonAudio Center on the school campus.
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