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FRONT PAGE  |  9/22/2024
MONDAY, APR 26, 2021
United Prayer Journal // DAY 151
This resolution of  Daily United Prayer  is based on An Humble Attempt, originally put forward by Jonathan Edwards in 1748. Its design is to encourage God's people in the duty of united extraordinary prayer; setting aside some time every day to pray for the revival of His church and the advancement of Christ's kingdom in our homes, in our churches, in our nation, and in the world.
"And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain." Zechariah 14:16-17.

A strange passage but I believe most instructive. The Feast of Tabernacles, or sometimes referred to as Feast of Booths, was designed to remind the children of Israel of their wilderness journey from Egypt to Canaan. During this feast, each family was commanded to build a temporary shelter (or "booth"), live in it for a week, and then tear it down. It was a "micro-example" of what would have happened over and over again with the actual Tabernacle in the wilderness for those 40 years. Painstakingly, the Levites would set up the ancient Tabernacle pillar by pillar, hook by hook, covering by covering, only to have to tear it all down again as they kept on the move, following the cloudy pillar. It's a powerful reminder to us all that nothing in this life is permanent. We are never meant to settle and enjoy final rest in this life. Our flesh desires carnal ease but we are constantly moved out of our comfort zones and inconveniences are imposed upon us as we "follow on to know the Lord" Hosea 6:3. In fact, those who seek to put down "permanent stakes" in this life and dwell in their "cieled houses" so that all of their focus is on their own comfort and security without a thought for God's kingdom will bring God's curse upon them.

"Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the LORD of hosts. Because of mine house that is waste, and ye run every man unto his own house. Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit." Haggai 1:9, 10.

I have two very dear friends that are now under hospice care. It is a sad thing to witness individuals that once knew vibrant, energetic lives declining so quickly to being slumped over and unable to communicate. The reality however is that, much like the Feast of Booths, we start in life with the construction of our tabernacle, we live our lives throughout the week, and then we tear the structure down at the end. It is short. It is temporary. And in these two friends, I am witnessing the tearing down of their tabernacle that served them well for the few decades that they enjoyed strength. But we all will follow in the same way. Our lives are brief and for us to try to make permanent that which is temporary will only result in frustration and failure. Let us be willing to "pull up our stakes" and follow the leading of the Lord out of our comfort zones and "convenient Christianity," go up to Jerusalem year after year and worship the Lord by SEEKING FIRST the kingdom of God and the building of His house.

I also wanted to share this wonderfully encouraging email from Pastor Bob:
My heart was moved and blessed with Saturday's Zoom prayer meeting. The closing prayer by the lady just touched me to the core. I couldn’t help but think of you and all the sore oppression from the wicked one that you have been experiencing in recent months as you seek to persevere in this vital exercise of corporate prayer for revival. Here was a lady who had never prayed before who told how nine years ago she thought she was saved, but through sermons heard on SermonAudio, she came to realize that she was not. Now she was pouring out her heart to God in thanksgiving and in intercession for others like her. One soul like this is worth it all, my dear brother. This is a jewel in our Savior’s diadem!

Praise His name! God is working. Today (Sunday) is a day of intentional evangelism at Friendship. Our theme this year is “There’s a Place in the Harvest for You.” Over 100 people have committed to stay after church to help in some way – door-to-door visiting, stuffing door hangers, follow-up visits to visitors, hospitality in the home, praying for those who are going out. Thank you for praying for this effort. Friday, one of our godly ladies, a prayer warrior who has occasionally joined the Saturday Zoom call, led her 101-year-old client to Christ, shortly before hospice was called in. The lucid moment she had been praying for came. May God strengthen your heart and hands in the good work to which He has called you.
Nozi from South Africa wrote with the subject line "God is at work:"
It was announced today at church that we will be starting with BIBLE HOUR every Sunday as from next Sunday!!!!! All glory to our God! I must be honest, I never saw this one coming! Me, of little faith! God is indeed God (Sovereign)! Isaiah 55:8 FOR MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS, NOR ARE YOUR WAYS MY WAYS, says the LORD. May we continue to labour in prayer, HE IS awakening His church in ways unthinkable!
Mon-Fri @ 12pm EDT // Sat @ 10am EDT

We invite you to join our dedicated and earnest group of praying participants of all ages from around the world that meet every day over Zoom to pray. At the start of each prayer call, a different individual will bring a brief Scriptural meditation. Here's the most recent:

Brian Borgman
Faith Comes by Hearing

An Exposition of Romans
Sunday - AM
Grace Community Church
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