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FRONT PAGE  |  9/20/2024
MONDAY, APR 12, 2021
United Prayer Journal // DAY 139
This resolution of  Daily United Prayer  is based on An Humble Attempt, originally put forward by Jonathan Edwards in 1748. Its design is to encourage God's people in the duty of united extraordinary prayer; setting aside some time every day to pray for the revival of His church and the advancement of Christ's kingdom in our homes, in our churches, in our nation, and in the world.
Just some updates for today's email:

Zelda from South Africa writes:
Just to give some feedback on the APConference. The 2 speakers & their assistant arrived safely late on thursday night ... left after attending our little Church this morning, confident that the Holy Spirit would continue His work thru the attendees, some who were pastors & familiar with the Gospel. Thankfully Nozi came home for the weekend & graciously set about sorting out everything that was amiss, providing water & says there wasn't a drop in the taps so those 3 men laboured all day friday with nothing to drink ... ! The venue turned out to be be in a very obscure location where not even GPS could direct you to.

So much praise & thanksgiving to our God for bringing it all together & then completing it. Thank you also for the blessing of the UPM & having the comfort of others praying with us for this work amongst our local people here. There had been rather an unexpected stumbling block in my path on Wednesday but the Lord took me around it then resolved it by Thursday before they arrived for which I am very thankful. For some inexplicable reason the possibility of the APC being taken up by our church did not materialize but has not deterred the plan by Nico to bring it back here again in January tho it would mean using this weekend's venue. But with all things in Gods control He will work it out in His time.
One praying participant wrote:
Take this little encouragement from me that what you and Rick do with these daily prayer meetings is already making an impact, maybe not so visible, but I think what the Lord is doing is He is making us bold, in the good sense of the word. And also making us ready for whatever is to come.
Melissa wrote the following report with the subject line, "God is moving":
Our daughter is graduating from the University at Buffalo, a SUNY school, this May and we recently discovered that one of her classmates is a son of a fellow I dated years ago but had not seen or heard of in 40 years. Well, we talked on the phone the Monday before Easter and he shared that he had some health issues and his life wasn't great. After our conversation the Lord really burdened me that I needed to share the Gospel with him so I prayed the Lord would give me the opportunity. Well, that opportunity came quickly. My husband and I ended up having to drive to Pittsburgh last minute, the Thursday before Easter, to pick our son up for the weekend. We got to his place about 11:30 pm, slept till 3:30 am then drove home so our son could be to work on line at 9:30 am. We got home at 9. After Easter dinner I drove Sam back to Pittsburgh myself since my husband had to work in the morning. We had breakfast together in the morning and then I headed home but needed to meet my daughter in Buffalo at a bank near her school Monday afternoon which is not too far from where this old friend of mine is living. I contacted him and we agreed to meet at a coffee shop. I prayed the whole way there. I thought, "Lord, this is how people deceive themselves and ruin their entire lives! But Lord, I don't believe I am being unfaithful to my husband in my mind or my heart. Please Lord, let me share the Gospel with Tim." I took with me the Billy Graham tract, "Steps to Peace with God".

When I got to the coffee shop Tim was sitting outside. It was shocking how poorly he looked. Pitiful. He's only just turned 63, has heart problems, lung problems-on oxygen at night after being hospitalized for pneumonia (he was afraid he had COVID) while in hospital discovered kidney cancer and had a kidney removed. Most of his health and marriage problems are due to history of cigarette and alcohol abuse. Very sad. He was the nicest person when he was young. After 10 or 15 mins of visiting and reminiscing the Lord opened the door wide. For the next 45 mins I shared the Gospel and all about the Lord with him. He even asked me if I would take him to church. God is so good. I shared much with him and answered many questions. He told me later that he has read that little tract many times. I asked him if he prayed the prayer in it. He said, "I did." Hallelujah! How funny to think God would use my youngest daughter, who has decided to reject her faith and believes me to be "brainwashed", going to a very secular university (This college is the birth-place of humanism) to bring salvation to someone I haven't seen or heard of in 40 years. It's just incredible!! I honestly believe it is a fruit of our United Prayer. God's Spirit is going out to the highways and byways to save the lost despite the many apostate churches.

I believe God is powerfully moving His hand and working miracles way beyond our fleshly vision. I believe He will not raise up a circus like the fake revivals do. I believe He is building His mighty end time Church right under His enemies' noses.
Engela from South Africa writes:
I have recently twice picked up a hitchhiker and could share the gospel with both. The one thanked me so much, said nobody has ever told him these things. There is a lot of need out there, if we can only find some time or opportunities to meet it!

Thanks for your prayers for our visit to the children on Monday and other possible opportunities for witness as we do our business on Tuesday.
Another participant wrote in:
God is answering prayer.
Mon-Fri @ 12pm EDT // Sat @ 10am EDT

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