Boys Cannot Be Girls: How Words of God Become Hate Speech
Christians uphold the dignity of every human being as made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26–27). As I have argued elsewhere, Christians have been at the forefront of defending human dignity and protecting human life throughout history. Every human being, made in the image of God, should be treated with respect (and so be afforded human rights such as the right not to be treated unjustly).
But the statement “trans rights are human rights” assaults truth and reality. It implies that we all have a right to choose our own “gender identity” (on the basis of “deeply felt experience”). A man claiming to be a woman can demand to participate in female sports and to enter women’s spaces such as restrooms. To refuse his claims may be classified as “wrongful discrimination.” He can demand that his wife regard him as a woman, and his children treat him as a mother. If he rapes a woman, he may be sent to a...