LGBT Lobby Attacks Rev. Graham's COVID-19 Outreach in New York
Accountable for Equality, an LGBT lobby group, has launched a public campaign attacking Rev. Franklin Graham because his humanitarian organization has held to its policy of enlisting Christian volunteers as it provides critical medical services to coronavirus patients in New York.
Accountable for Equality (AFE) says its mission is to “educate the public about the concerted efforts of anti-LGBT extremists.” During the COVID-19 outbreak, AFE “is focusing its efforts to highlight those that are capitalizing on the pandemic to advance their own biased priorities that marginalize populations.”
As part of this new campaign, titled “No Time for Nonsense,” AFE is targeting Franklin Graham’s outreach Samaritan’s Purse, which has set up a 68-bed field hospital in Central Park, staffed by 60-70 medical professionals. AFE asserts Samaritan’s Purse is “putting New Yorkers’ lives on the line” by recruiting...