Trump Cabinet Bible leader blames coronavirus on God's 'wrath'
A minister who has been leading a weekly Bible-study group for members of President Trump's Cabinet has posted online his belief that amid the coronavirus, America is not experiencing God's "forsaking wrath" but, rather, his "consequential wrath."
"Some leading evangelicals believe and teach that America is now experiencing God's judgment," wrote Ralph Drollinger, a former NBA player and the founder of Capitol Ministries, which provides Bible studies, evangelism and discipleship to political leaders.
"If that is the case, as a public servant who is sacrificing so much in your attempt to turn our nation around, it would stand to reason – if those evangelical leaders are correct – that you are wasting your time. Are you laboring against a foregone conclusion? I think not. But let me qualify that: I do not believe America is experiencing the forsaking wrath of God, but yes, America is experiencing...