No Laughing! Stung by the Babylon Bee, the Left Goes Cray-zee
“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon,” wrote socialist Saul “the Red” Alinsky in his book Rules for Radicals. It “infuriates the opposition.” His fellow leftists are certainly proving this true, too. Having a “Babylon Bee in their bonnets,” they’re attacking the satirical site because, apparently, they only like fake news when it’s masquerading as the real thing.
Implying that there’s one bee die-off they’d like to see, the New York Times warned in 2019, “The line between misinformation and satire can be thin, and real consequences can result when it is crossed. On social media, parody can be misconstrued or misrepresented as it moves further and further from its source. And humor has been weaponized to help spread falsehoods online.”
This is the same Times whose Walter Duranty reported in the 1930s that all was hunky-dory in the Stalinist USSR when, in reality, millions of peasants were being...