The printed booklet is no longer available. Please refer to our online overview for more information.
Attention all users!
We're happy to make available a newly-updated feature summary brochure for SermonAudio! It is our sixth revision and provides a birds-eye view of the core features of the site in a beautiful layout.
SermonAudio is the largest and most trusted library of sermons on the web from conservative Christian churches and ministries worldwide.
Almost two million free sermons can be streamed, downloaded, podcast, or accessed over-the-air through mobile devices. Our mission is to help faithful churches broadcast their sermons to the largest possible audience with the least amount of cost.
Some notable new features include:
Unlimited sermon uploads.
Beautiful sermon analytics.
Live webcast & multicast included.
ChurchOne. Native church app included.
Solo Sites. Standalone church website included.
Cross Publish
SermonAudio is more than merely a hosting service for MP3 files. Yes, we make it easy for churches to upload sermons to the Internet but more importantly, every church broadcasting on SermonAudio will immediately enjoy a large, established listening audience hungry for Biblical teaching.