Clinton's doctor declares her 'fit to serve' as president
The letter from Bardack describes how the Democratic nominee received a non-contrast chest CT scan on Friday, said a Clinton campaign official. The scan revealed a small right middle-lobe pneumonia, which was non-contagious and bacterial. She was treated with Levaquin, and instructed to stay on it for 10 days, the campaign said. Clinton was up to date on her pneumonia vaccines — but they don’t prevent all infections.
Bardack's letter also reveals that Clinton was treated for symptoms of sinusitis and an ear infection in January. She had a tube placed in her left ear that month, which eased her symptoms, wrote Bardack.
The additional disclosure comes just days after Clinton overheated and became dehydrated at Sunday's 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York, which led to the campaign’s eventual announcement that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. She then scrapped a West Coast...