Evangelical Professor Resigns Because He Doesn't Believe 'Adam, Was Created by Immediate Act of God'
A wave of concern is now rippling through the Christian science community after it was revealed that Jim Stump, a respected evangelical philosophy of science professor at the Christian Bethel College in Indiana, chose to resign last month because he doesn't agree with the school's new corporate position that "the first man, Adam, was created by an immediate act of God and not by a process of evolution."
The Board of Trustees of Bethel College, which is affiliated with the Missionary Church, recently approved a new policy on human origins after years of discussion between the college and the denomination which insists that the church's view on Adam "should be advocated as the official, meritorious, and theologically responsible position of the College, without disparagement."
"Though a very small part of a college's curriculum, the topic of origins has become a prominent theological conversation...