Attention all users!We're happy to announce a new and easy way to listen to sermons, watch videos, and tune into live webcasts on -- instantly! Use your iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, or Android Phone or Tablet as a "remote" and enjoy any sermon directly on your TV! It's our support for the Google's Chromecast!
iPhone, iPad, Android Integration!
Go grab the latest update to our iPhone+iPad App and Android App and immediately enjoy a world of sermon content on your Chromecast. Simply click on the "Chromecast TV" button any sermon or live webcast and it will wirelessly send the command to your Chromecast device to start playing the selected feature on your TV!
New! Android Update! Version 2.6 of our Android App introduces support for Google Chromecast. Also, the audio player is now more robust, the audio player's notification + lockscreen has playback controls, links from the main website can open directly in the app, and player Bluetooth metadata support.
What is Chromecast?
Chromecast is a thumb-sized media streaming device that plugs into the HDMI port on your TV. Set it up with a simple mobile app, then send your favorite photos + videos (and sermons!) wirelessly to your TV using your smartphone, tablet or laptop.
Hop over to Chromecast's website to purchase one today. Extremely affordable at only $35 and works with any modern TV with an HDMI port! We are now listed in the official Chromecast Apps page on Google under the Music & Audio section!
We're working hard to bring you the best experience! Give us your feedback and help spread the word of these new developments to your family and friends!
Learn about our ROKU, Fire TV solutions or Apple TV which provides an alternate TV platform for standalone PC-free experience!