Attention webmasters!Be sure to check out our updated Embed Code Editor which allows for the embedding of sermons, video, webcast, and the sermon browser! |
We are pleased to announce the ultimate HTML copy and paste code for your own website! You can now drop in a fully-functional sermon browser that allows you to display, page-through, and filter all sermons from any SermonAudio account on to your own website! Here's how it works.
- Go to your homepage and click on the orange PODCAST button to copy the ready-to-use code.
Copy and paste the following HTML code into your own website—preferably, a dedicated, blank sermon section on your site:
- Replace the MEMBERID string with the Member ID of a specific broadcaster.
- That's it! Click here to see a live working example!
Now you'll have an instant sermon-browsing section on your own website that will automatically show all up-to-date sermon listings from your account on SermonAudio! New! Update 7/12/13: You can now fully integrate your sermons directly into your church's Facebook page! For step-by-step details on how to make this work, please take a look at our video tutorial.
New! Update 5/17/13: We now have a new and updated style that you can use that may integrate better with newer website designs. 100% CSS-friendly so you can change any element to match your site. Original style is still available.
Update 4/28/11: Integrated search function to quickly search for sermons by any partial keyword matching title, subtitle, or keywords!
Update 11/2/10: Updated the look-and-feel to include mobile phones information.
Update 4/22/10: You can now specify the default starting view to be by Scripture, by speaker, or by series. Simply specify "bible=true" or "speaker=Dr.+Alan+Cairns" or "series="Prayer+Talk" to indicate a starting view.
Update 1/2/08: You can now SORT the sermon list using the different sorting options presented. Optionally, you can turn the sorting option OFF by changing the "hidesort" parameter from "false" to "true".
Be sure to check out more free HTML buttons and graphics (including some new desktop wallpapers!) in our Wallpaper & Graphics section. Let us know how we can keep improving! Our slogan is "the world is listening," but WE are listening too!
Are you a web developer or programmer? Looking for even more advanced integration? We've made available SOAP API's for SermonAudio so you can access and interact with data on the site with even greater flexibility. Be sure to check it out..
Easily embed single sermons! It's easier than ever to share any single sermon on your own website or blog via copy-and-paste HTML embed codes! Simply go to any sermon page and click on the Email & Share button there. Click here to learn more..
This video tutorial is part of a growing number of screencasts. Let us know if it's been a help to you!