McDonald Presbyterian Church
Grover Gunn | Collins, Mississippi
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Grover Gunn | 1 Peter
Grover Gunn | 1 Peter SUN 02/16/2025
Grover Gunn | John 19:38-42 SUN 02/09/2025
Grover Gunn | 1 Samuel SUN 02/02/2025
Grover Gunn | Revelation SUN 01/26/2025
Grover Gunn | 1 Peter SUN 01/19/2025
Howard King from Hernando, MS
Well done! A staight-forward exposition of the most important eschatological text in the Bible. Lays a good foundation for the...
The Presbyterian Church in America is the largest conservative Reformed denomination in the United States. The PCA is Reformed in theology, Presbyterian in government, and active in missions. ( more.. )
Sunday Morning Worship at 11:00 AM
McDonald Presbyterian Church Intersection of McDonald Chapel Road & McDonald Cemetery Road Collins, Mississippi
McDonald Presbyterian Church 295 E. Williamsburg Road Collins, MS 39428-4813