Christ Church Baptist Fellowship
Jeremy Ballinger | Dyersburg, Tennessee
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Jeremy Ballinger | The Book of Romans
Jeremy Ballinger | The Book of Romans THU 03/06/2025
Jeremy Ballinger | John 11; John 12 SUN 03/02/2025
Jeremy Ballinger | The Book of Romans THU 02/27/2025
Jeremy Ballinger | Psalm 78 MON 02/24/2025
Jeremy Ballinger | Matthew 12; 1 Kings 10 SUN 02/16/2025
Jessica from Londendarry mall
I am 13 and love the one sermon called Ten Commandments for teenagers I have learned a lot from this thank you.
Jeremy Ballinger
| 1 Timothy 4:12
Independent, Fundamental, Missionary, Pre-Tribulational, Pre-Millennial and Bible Believing (KJV) Preaching the BOOK, the BLOOD, and the BLESSED HOPE! ( more.. )
Preaching 10:30am Wednesday Night 6:30p.m.
Christ Church Baptist Fellowship 5774 Millsfield Highway Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024
Christ Church Baptist Fellowship 5774 Millsfield Highway Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024