With Joy We Meditate the Grace
DUNDEE (FRENCH) | Same-Tune Hymns
Author: | |
Isaac Watts, 1674-1748 |
Musician: | |
Scottish Psalter, 1615 |
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With joy we meditate the grace Of our High Priest above: His heart is filled with tenderness— His very name is Love!
Touched with a sympathy within, He knows our feeble frame— He knows what sorest trials mean, For He has felt the same!
But spotless, undefiled undefiled, and pure Our great Redeemer stood: No stain of sin did e'er defile The holy Lamb of God.
He, when He sojourned here below, Poured out His cries and tears, And now, ascended, feels afresh What ev'ry member bears!
Then boldly let our faith address The throne of grace and pow'r: We shall obtain deliv'ring grace In ev'ry needy hour.
God Moves in a Mysterious Way William Cowper, 1731-1800